By Andy Taylor, International Director, May 2022
What an incredible time in history to be alive! On the one hand we see things on the news that we could never have imagined and yet on the other hand we know that God is on the move! We know that He is in charge and that His light is breaking through the darkness.
The challenge for us is whether we sink under the darkness or whether we look up, cry out to the Lord and commit our lives to follow Him, regardless of what may be shaking around us. As the Lord’s return gets nearer and nearer, can we hear God’s voice calling us out of our sleep and half-heartedness? Will we respond and ask for His Spirit to enable us to stand firm and to passionately love and serve Him? These are the weighty questions that our Ellel teams in Ukraine and Russia are responding to in desperate circumstances (see our Ukraine reports); but the challenge is no less for the rest of us as our faith is challenged to its core.
Your response to our Ukraine and The Nations Appeal has been overwhelming – our deepest thanks for all your extraordinary support. Our hearts continue to be broken over the horrific trauma, abuse, and violence that is happening within Ukraine.
At the beginning of this year, we had a strong sense that God had been preparing us for something intense and significant during the quiet months of the 2-year Covid lock-down season. We felt that this year would be a shift in season. Who could have known that it would be such a devastating event as the war in Ukraine that would, in essence, usher Úr Rétje* into a chapter of its calling that we always knew about but have never witnessed before.
It’s totally thrilling to see Ellel’s healing and discipleship ministry grow so far and wide across the globe. It hasn’t happened immediately but has grown out of a steady demonstration that God’s core truths can transform lives when put into practice.
Testimony after testimony proves that God’s healing of our brokenness solidifies the foundations to not only feel more whole as a person, but to experience the Holy Spirit’s supernatural releasing of our gifts and contribute more significantly to God’s Kingdom work – whether it’s in church leadership, evangelism, prophecy, prayer ministry, worship, or any other call on a person’s life. Even in everyday work life, the results of personal inner healing totally transform relationships with colleagues, friends and family members.
Enjoy this quick tour of Ellel Ministries around the world. We really do give glory to God, for his message of love, compassion, healing and salvation for anyone, anywhere. May it inspire you to perhaps be a part of it. The harvest is truly great.
One of the most significant moments of our recent International Leaders Conference at Pierrepont was the handing over of the role of International Director from Peter Horrobin to Andy Taylor.
Before the war started God prompted us to stockpile food, water, candles and matches. On February 24 the war started and we needed to find a bomb shelter. We found a basement in a school building which was used to store coal. It was damp, cold and dark but we quickly made it livable.
For teaching articles, inspirational stories, other ministry updates and more testimonies, visit our blog section.
New Book Release
We are living in a time when God is restoring His Church, so that “He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27.
Patrick Chambron, Director of Ellel Ministries in France and Regional Director for Western Europe, shares his personal testimony of how God guided him and his wife, Valerie, to bring the Christian healing ministry into France, through the complementary visions of two men, Pierre Truschel in France and Peter Horrobin in England. Patrick describes how God chose a church in St-Laurent-du-Pont, The Christian Fellowship, to come into partnership with Ellel Ministries, in order to carry the vision of Luke 9:11 – to welcome, teach and heal – for God’s people in France.
This book shows how God used everyday circumstances in Patrick’s life so that he was well equipped for this special work that the Lord had purposed for him. Patrick also shares the many occasions when the Lord miraculously opened exactly the right doors for him and provided the necessary finances just when they were needed.
Upcoming Courses
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 14-15 Mar 2025
A comprehensive look at the nature and character of God and how a distorted understanding of Him can negatively affect your relationship with Him.
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 18-22 Mar 2025
A practical, equipping course for those that want to learn more about prayer ministry, focussing on Holy Spirit led ministry rather than techniques.
Ellel Grange, 21-23 Mar 2025
Discover the roots of addictive behaviour and the steps you can take to experience lasting freedom in Jesus Christ.
Ellel Scotland, 22 Mar 2025
A day of biblical teaching and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord as well as prayer for those in need.
Ellel Grange, 25-26 Mar 2025
Come away to a prayer-filled environment, and spend focussed time with God, listening to His voice, reading His word and sharing your heart with Him.
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 27-30 Mar 2025
This course is designed to help married couples who want to enter more fully into God’s plans and purposes for their marriage.
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