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Who We Are

Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ in two main ways… by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry to those in need of healing and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others.

Founded in the North West of England in 1986, these core principles have never changed, and this dual approach is the hallmark of Ellel Ministries, a ministry that now spans more than 25 countries across the globe.

Founded on the Scriptural principles of Jesus’ model in Luke 9:11 our aim is to:

  • Welcome all people with God’s love and compassion and without judgement or condemnation.
  • Teach biblically based discipleship principles that enable people to be transformed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and equip them to share the message of hope and healing with others.
  • Heal those who are facing struggles in life; emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, with a certain knowledge that no person is outside of God’s reach for restoration.

Ellel is a beacon of truth and a haven of hope in our nation. I know that Ellel’s teaching is solid and sound - but Ellel is not merely a place of intellectual truth, it is a place of personal healing and transformation in Christ Jesus.

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive - Christian Concern, The Christian Legal Centre

Having known Ellel for a number of years I have found them to be big hearted, biblically driven and passionate about transformation and inner healing. Ellel offer a range of courses and workshops in incredibly beautiful surroundings and see their role as serving God's people and the local church.

Steve Karma, Pastor - United Kingdom

Ellel is a place of ‘quiet waters’ where God makes His people ‘lie down’ and restores their souls, through His Holy Spirit with abundant grace, inner healing, Biblical truth and refreshing forgiveness. All set in a picturesque and peaceful location.

Emilian Cirtina, Pastor – United Kingdom

What is healing?

Healing is God’s divine and supernatural work of bringing order into a person’s life where there has been disorder.

Healing is a broad term that encompasses restoration from and dealing with past experiences, present struggles and future expectations. It is a fundamental and privileged part of the Christian walk. As Scripture promises us time and time again… Our God is a God who heals (Exodus 15:26)!

Healing should be motivated by a desire for a more comprehensive, intimate and fulfilling relationship with God and with others. Whilst there can be miraculous and divine encounters with God, these should not be the goal themselves but a springboard for a deepening of relationship with God and a more Godly way of living. Healing enables us to better reflect His character and nature and to be fruitful in His Kingdom.

As such, at Ellel Ministries we teach about healing in the context of discipleship, firmly believing they are intrinsically intertwined. Our approach to healing is very proactive, dealing with issues such as sin, unforgiveness, wounding, false beliefs and strongholds of the enemy. Balancing personal responsibility, Biblical truths and miraculous intervention from God prepares the way for a divine encounter that can and does transform even the most broken of lives.

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The healing and discipleship ministry

The Gospel of Healing and Discipleship

From beginning to end, the Bible echoes with the eternal story of God’s love for mankind, whom He especially created for personal relationship with. It didn’t take long for the love story to go awry and sin entered the world, causing a deep division between God and mankind and allowing Satan to rule the world with sin at the centre. From there, we read of God’s heart and audacious plans to restore mankind back into relationship with Himself. This is the ultimate goal for every heart of every person and the core of the Christian message.

Two thousand years ago when Jesus walked on the earth He was in the business of changing lives in dramatic ways. He wasn’t afraid or put off by people’s problems, struggles and needs, even when society shunned and rejected them. Whether physical, emotional or spiritual, Jesus embraced everyone, including those with broken lives, offering miraculous hope, freedom, life and wholeness.

As Scripture says in Hebrews 13:8, ‘Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever,’ which means His passion, desire and ability to offer healing and restoration has not changed. In fact, quite the opposite is true as He left this earth with a clear commission for his followers to fulfil, ‘To preach about the Kingdom of God, heal the sick and cast out demons.’ (Luke 9:1-2; Matthew 28:18-20).

At Ellel Ministries we know He is still passionate about bringing healing and freedom to all those who look to Him for help.

Facing the Personal Issues

We have all suffered at the hands of sin; both sins against us and sins we have committed ourselves. We have experienced hurt and pain through rejection, abuse, relationship breakdowns and illness, to name but a few.

We also face the consequences of our own bad choices and sinful responses to others and to what has happened to us. Guilt and shame can become a constant companion in our lives, overshadowing everything we do.

These issues start to affect our beliefs about ourselves, others and God which leads to more fundamental issues that add to our growing list of things that aren’t in right order and therefore doing us more harm than good.

Facing these issues in our lives can seem overwhelming, impossible to untangle or can even be labelled as ‘just who I am’ and hopelessness can soon set in. The issues we can face can seem endless but the true and full solution is found in God, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hope for All

When we read the Gospels, we read of Jesus who loved and lived with those in need, the ones that society rejected and looked down upon.

‘All the tax-gatherers and sinners were coming to hear Jesus. The proud religious law-keepers and the teachers of the Law began to speak against Him. They said, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”’ Luke 15:1-2

Jesus actively resisted the proud and shamelessly embraced sinners, prostitutes, the destitute, the demonised, the ill… those who had lost hope for life. As followers of Him, our commission is to do the same and at Ellel, we welcome all people who want to know more of who God is and how a relationship with Him can literally transform lives.

See our Blog for articles on healing & discipleship.

It’s incredible. I can’t even take it all in. I am overwhelmed. Thank you Jesus, my Saviour. I love you. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for setting me free. Thank you for breaking this stronghold of the enemy in my life. Amen.


Our History

It started with a broken classic car that was in desperate need of restoration and God clearly speaking to Peter Horrobin (the founder of Ellel Ministries), “You could restore this broken car, but I can restore broken lives. Which is more important? Broken cars or broken people?”. More than ten years of prayer and preparation later, on October 31st 1986, Ellel Grange, in the north-west of England, was purchased by the newly-formed charity in a quite miraculous way.

Since then, the ministry has grown significantly in response to the great need that exists within the Body of Christ for healing and restoration. Ellel Grange remains the international headquarters of the ministry which is now established in more than thirty countries around the world.

The full faith-building story of Ellel and how every centre, every country has its own miraculous story to tell can be read in Peter’s personal book, “Strands of Destiny.”.

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Our History

It Started with a Car

It all started with a car; a 1933 Alvis Speed 20 Sports Tourer and a young English man called Peter Horrobin who loved classic cars. He especially loved old Alvis cars, but he couldn’t imagine being able to afford a Speed 20 of his own. Not until one glorious day in 1970, when a friend from the Alvis Owners Club phoned to ask, “Would you like to buy an Alvis Speed 20 for £50?” Oh yes he would!

But why was it so cheap? Well, unfortunately it had been stolen, crashed, vandalised, set on fire and dumped in the River Mersey! But the friend had arranged its rescue, recognising it for the special car that it was, even in that broken state.

Peter was thrilled to purchase his own Alvis Speed 20 and began to strip down the car to the bare chassis. At about 4.00am one morning, after a night working in the garage, he made an awful discovery – the chassis was bent. The car could never be driven safely with a bent chassis and he began to think that he would never be able to restore this lovely old car. And then, out of the blue, at that moment of terrible realisation, Peter became very aware of God speaking to him, there in the garage.

Cars or people?

Quite clearly, Peter heard the Lord say “You could restore this broken car, but I can restore broken lives. Which is more important? Broken cars or broken people?” Peter responded to what God was saying and he has never forgotten the moment when God said to him “I can restore broken lives”.

Over the next ten years or so, Peter ran his own publishing company and among other things became chairman of the local Inter-Church Fellowship. As a child Peter had sensed a call from God to serve Him in full-time ministry, but somehow the Lord didn’t seem to open any doors.

Then one day he received another phone call. The caller was another member of the Inter-Church Fellowship, Sister Aine. She needed his advice. A woman, who was terribly distressed, had come to her at the hospice where she worked. Sister Aine didn’t know how to help. Peter agreed to come but the poor woman was sobbing so much that she couldn’t speak, so neither Peter nor Sister Aine had any idea what the real problem was.

However, as they prayed, God supernaturally revealed to Peter the exact nature of the problem and the distressed lady was amazed. They were able to pray for her effectively and she received both God’s healing touch and a glorious reassurance that the Lord really did know her and care for her. She had begun her journey of healing.

As Peter drove home that night, he again sensed the Lord speaking to him, saying “I want you to spend the rest of your life bringing healing to those in need and teaching others how to do the same”. In that moment he remembered the night when God had spoken to him over the Alvis and suddenly it all began to make sense. It was the same voice. The call of God was unmistakable.

Are you willing?

He started to pray about the vision God had given but immediately encountered a problem. He couldn’t pray! It was as if heaven had suddenly closed its gates and prayer was no longer possible. After some time of frustration, he eventually came to the end of his own efforts and heard the still small voice of the Father saying, “Before I can let you pray into this vision, you need to know that walking with me in obedience may cost you everything you have and everything you are. Are you willing?” Slowly, step by step, the Lord took him through every area of his life – home, family, possessions, status, reputation, hobbies etc. God did not say he would lose any of these; He just asked whether he was willing to. It was only when victory had been won in every area that he was at peace and able to start praying about the call to bring healing to God’s people.

Praying every day

From that point on Peter prayed every day about the vision. He studied the Scriptures diligently, seeking for a biblical understanding of how to bring God’s healing. As he studied, he identified many of God’s key principles for healing, such as forgiving those who harm us, repentance from sin, God’s acceptance of us as His children, God’s heart for restoring us after failure, a Christian’s spiritual armour for protection and so on.

As Peter continued to seek God, a committed group of people eventually gathered regularly to pray with him for the establishment of this healing ministry which God had called him into. As they prayed, they felt the Lord wanted a Christian healing centre to be established in the northwest of England – and this vision burned in their hearts as they prayed for it year after year.

A home for the Ministry

The vision was finally realised in 1986 when agreement was reached with the owners to buy a large country house near Lancaster, called Ellel Grange. An appeal went out and many churches and individuals responded with gifts and loans.

The team were greatly encouraged and continued to pray. On the completion date, when the full amount had to be paid to buy Ellel Grange, Peter sat at his desk to find out whether he had enough money. He could hardly believe what he saw! On one side of his piece of paper was a list of everything needed for the purchase, together with all the expenses to date, and on the other side was all the income received from gifts and loans. The income exceeded the costs by just £6! God had done it, Ellel Grange was purchased, and the work of Ellel Ministries started with great rejoicing on 31 October 1986.

Finding the keys

The team of prayer ministers which formed in the early days started a journey in which there were many, many blessings, but also many trials and tests. They learned much from others already experienced in the healing ministry and through perseverance and faithful resilience they also learned their own lessons in how to set people free. The Lord revealed key biblical principles of healing through their patient, persistent work with one person at a time. There were victories and failures. There were times when they wanted to give up. But they refused to accept that anyone’s problem could be too hard for God, however deeply broken the person was.

Eventually there were major breakthroughs. The Lord showed them where the keys could be found in His Word for deep healing of individuals and how to apply them. These were shared with God’s people through training courses and, later, on longer-term residential schools. New centres were started in the UK and then around the world in response to the requests from people who said “we need this ministry where we live!” As more keys were found, the number of courses increased, books were written and even an online training programme called Ellel 365 was developed. These hard- won keys for personal freedom can be yours too.

What happened to the Alvis?

What about the Alvis? Was it dumped? Certainly not! Peter wrote to the manufacturers and obtained a copy of the blueprint from which the car was produced. Using this he was able to get the chassis heat-treated, straightened and restored. Peter’s time is largely taken up by the ministry, but he still managed to work on his beloved Alvis occasionally until more recently when he took the car to a specialist engineer to work on completing the restoration work.

We may believe there isn’t too much wrong with us, or we may even think we’ve been broken beyond repair. But our Father has the blueprint. He made you and He knows how to restore every part of you. It may take time, it may cost something, but each person is far more precious to God than Peter’s Alvis car has been to him. The Alvis is just a picture of God’s desire to restore you, even if you are not in great shape right now! He gets right to the foundations, to the roots of the problem. He rescues, He restores and He makes new.

Our Vision

We aim to bring hope, healing and wholeness to the Body of Christ and further equip the Church worldwide through the principles outlined in Luke 9:11 where Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those who were in need.

Our Mission

As part of the Body of Christ worldwide, we are committed to evangelism, healing, deliverance, discipleship and training to fulfil our vision. We seek to outwork the Great Commission of Jesus and the call of the Church throughout the world, as God leads us and opens the doors for His work to take place. We do this through proclaiming the Kingdom of God, offering hope and healing to those in need and equipping believers to be more effective disciples.

Our Beliefs

Ellel Ministries holds firmly to the traditional teaching of the Bible which forms the foundation upon which we teach and minister. You can read much more about our Basis of Faith and our Best Ministry Practice on our What we Believe page.

The Team

At the various centres around the world there are over 300 full-time team members of varying ages and backgrounds. All have responded to the call of God on their lives to serve Him through Ellel Ministries and have a heart to see God restore and bring healing to those who come on our events, and to see them equipped to walk into their God-given destiny. Serving alongside our team are hundreds of volunteers who regularly support us through practical help and with prayer ministry on our events. Without this team, Ellel would not function!

Read about our team structure

Team Structure

At Ellel we believe in structural order and accountability. The following shows the structure of how we operate as an organisation:

The Charitable Trusteeship of The Christian Trust comprises members of the senior leadership team who are responsible for the legal and financial elements of the work.

UK & Ireland Leaders

Executive Leaders

Andy & Cath Taylor

Andy & Cath Taylor

Ellel Grange

Andy & Cath Taylor

Andy & Cath Taylor

Ellel Grange

Centre Directors, Ellel Grange

UK & International Directors

Andy is the International Director of Ellel Ministries and Cath works closely with him as Assistant International Director. They also lead the work at Ellel Grange and in the UK and Ireland region.

Andy & Cath have been with Ellel Ministries since the early 1990’s. They came to join the Gap Year team and have never left! With over 10 years serving the Lord with Ellel in Australia and USA they are passionate about what the Lord can do when He has time, permission and space to gently touch the very real, often messy, issues that are going on in people’s lives!

They have three sons who have adventured with them on their Ellel journey and who are the joy of their hearts! When not busy at Ellel, you will find them up a mountain, climbing over a stile or eating scones in their beloved local Lake District!

Robert & Irma Steel

Robert & Irma Steel

Ellel Glyndley Manor

Robert & Irma Steel

Robert & Irma Steel

Ellel Glyndley Manor

Centre Directors, Ellel Glyndley Manor

Robert and Irma Steel have been involved in the work of Ellel Ministries since the early 2000s. They are the Ellel Glyndley Manor Centre Directors and Robert is part of the Executive Leadership for Ellel Ministries International.

Both Robert and Irma come from countries in the southern hemisphere (Australia and Indonesia), they met in Riverview Bible College, Perth, Western Australia. They both have a passion to see people’s lives transformed through the teaching and ministering of God’s word, helping them to apply it to their lives and to see them fulfil their God given destiny.

Robert and Irma feel called to the UK and after receiving citizenship, has enabled them to continue serving the Lord with Ellel Ministries in the UK.
Robert and Irma have a son, Nathan, who loves people, languages and would like to be a secondary school teacher.

Peter Brokaar

Peter Brokaar

Ellel Scotland

Peter Brokaar

Peter Brokaar

Ellel Scotland

Centre Director, Ellel Scotland

Executive Leader, United Kingdom

Peter Brokaar is Centre Director for Ellel Scotland and part of Ellel’s Executive Leadership. He was born and raised in the Netherlands, and after having married Liz (from USA) in 2004 God called them both to serve at Ellel Scotland in 2005.

Peter writes, “being at Blairmore House has been an incredible blessing and hugely formative for me, especially as the emphasis on the work here has resonated deeply in my own heart. Getting to know God better, learning to walk alongside others, pressing into prayer & intercession and developing a heart for Israel have all been part of this journey.”

Peter & Liz live in Scotland with their 3 children and are all active in the great outdoors, with trail running and surfing being Peter’s main outdoor hobbies. He also love’s books as well as cooking.

Frequently asked questions...

Even after reading through this page you may still have questions about who we are and what we do. Below you will find a series of frequently asked questions which will hopefully answer whatever questions you have left. If you are still left wondering please do get in touch with us by phone or email using the details at the bottom of this page (or on our Contact page) and we’ll do our best to fill in the blanks.

General questions...

Questions about the healing ministry...

I am a totally different person, emotionally, mentally and Spiritually healed, compared to the completely broken person I was before. God is indeed a God of miracles!


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contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
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