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Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ in two main ways… by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry to those in need of healing and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others.
Founded in the North West of England in 1986, these core principles have never changed, and this dual approach is the hallmark of Ellel Ministries, a ministry that now spans more than 25 countries across the globe.
Founded on the Scriptural principles of Jesus’ model in Luke 9:11 our aim is to:
Ellel is a beacon of truth and a haven of hope in our nation. I know that Ellel’s teaching is solid and sound - but Ellel is not merely a place of intellectual truth, it is a place of personal healing and transformation in Christ Jesus.
Andrea Williams, Chief Executive - Christian Concern, The Christian Legal Centre
Having known Ellel for a number of years I have found them to be big hearted, biblically driven and passionate about transformation and inner healing. Ellel offer a range of courses and workshops in incredibly beautiful surroundings and see their role as serving God's people and the local church.
Steve Karma, Pastor - United Kingdom
Ellel is a place of ‘quiet waters’ where God makes His people ‘lie down’ and restores their souls, through His Holy Spirit with abundant grace, inner healing, Biblical truth and refreshing forgiveness. All set in a picturesque and peaceful location.
Emilian Cirtina, Pastor – United Kingdom
Healing is God’s divine and supernatural work of bringing order into a person’s life where there has been disorder.
Healing is a broad term that encompasses restoration from and dealing with past experiences, present struggles and future expectations. It is a fundamental and privileged part of the Christian walk. As Scripture promises us time and time again… Our God is a God who heals (Exodus 15:26)!
Healing should be motivated by a desire for a more comprehensive, intimate and fulfilling relationship with God and with others. Whilst there can be miraculous and divine encounters with God, these should not be the goal themselves but a springboard for a deepening of relationship with God and a more Godly way of living. Healing enables us to better reflect His character and nature and to be fruitful in His Kingdom.
As such, at Ellel Ministries we teach about healing in the context of discipleship, firmly believing they are intrinsically intertwined. Our approach to healing is very proactive, dealing with issues such as sin, unforgiveness, wounding, false beliefs and strongholds of the enemy. Balancing personal responsibility, Biblical truths and miraculous intervention from God prepares the way for a divine encounter that can and does transform even the most broken of lives.
It started with a broken classic car that was in desperate need of restoration and God clearly speaking to Peter Horrobin (the founder of Ellel Ministries), “You could restore this broken car, but I can restore broken lives. Which is more important? Broken cars or broken people?”. More than ten years of prayer and preparation later, on October 31st 1986, Ellel Grange, in the north-west of England, was purchased by the newly-formed charity in a quite miraculous way.
Since then, the ministry has grown significantly in response to the great need that exists within the Body of Christ for healing and restoration. Ellel Grange remains the international headquarters of the ministry which is now established in more than thirty countries around the world.
The full faith-building story of Ellel and how every centre, every country has its own miraculous story to tell can be read in Peter’s personal book, “Strands of Destiny.”.
We aim to bring hope, healing and wholeness to the Body of Christ and further equip the Church worldwide through the principles outlined in Luke 9:11 where Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those who were in need.
As part of the Body of Christ worldwide, we are committed to evangelism, healing, deliverance, discipleship and training to fulfil our vision. We seek to outwork the Great Commission of Jesus and the call of the Church throughout the world, as God leads us and opens the doors for His work to take place. We do this through proclaiming the Kingdom of God, offering hope and healing to those in need and equipping believers to be more effective disciples.
Ellel Ministries holds firmly to the traditional teaching of the Bible which forms the foundation upon which we teach and minister. You can read much more about our Basis of Faith and our Best Ministry Practice on our What we Believe page.
At the various centres around the world there are over 300 full-time team members of varying ages and backgrounds. All have responded to the call of God on their lives to serve Him through Ellel Ministries and have a heart to see God restore and bring healing to those who come on our events, and to see them equipped to walk into their God-given destiny. Serving alongside our team are hundreds of volunteers who regularly support us through practical help and with prayer ministry on our events. Without this team, Ellel would not function!
The International Leaders are those with responsibility over centres or emerging works in particular regions. The overall leadership responsibility for the ministry is held by the Executive Leadership which has the following members:
Andy & Cath Taylor
Ellel Grange
Kent Bandy
Ellel Canada (Ontario)
Peter Brokaar
Ellel Scotland
Matt Moore
Paul Ryan
Ellel Australia (Sydney)
Lindsey Hanekom
Ellel HUB
Patrick Chambron
Ellel France
Tamas Kovacs
Herman Redelinghuys
Ellel South Africa (Pretoria)
Robert Steel
Ellel Glyndley Manor
Even after reading through this page you may still have questions about who we are and what we do. Below you will find a series of frequently asked questions which will hopefully answer whatever questions you have left. If you are still left wondering please do get in touch with us by phone or email using the details at the bottom of this page (or on our Contact page) and we’ll do our best to fill in the blanks.
The work of Ellel Ministries officially began in the North West of England on October 31st, 1986. You can read more about the history of the work here.
Ellel Ministries takes its name from the place where the work started – Ellel Grange – which is in the district of Ellel in Lancashire, England. The name Ellel in old English means ‘all hail’, which means ‘all glory to God’.
In Hebrew Ellel means ‘towards God’. In Mandarin it means ‘love flowing outwards’. So Ellel could be said to mean ‘All hail Jesus, all glory to Him’ and be expressed as ‘love flowing outwards’ into a fallen and broken world, where we are helping people move ‘towards God’. We thought it was a name worth keeping!
Ellel Ministries is not a church in the traditional sense (i.e. a local church with members) but we are part of the overall Church body. We are non-denominational, committed to the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20, and we seek to be a help and resource in the area of Christian healing and discipleship. Our teams are made up of people from many different church and denominational backgrounds and preferences, united by a love for God. We encourage all of our team members to be involved in local churches as they are able.
Ellel Ministries is a non-profit organisation (i.e. an official registered charity called The Christian Trust). We give away prayer ministry for free but charge for teaching and training. This has been the policy since the foundation of the work.
In order that the teaching can be made available to as many people as possible, the prices for courses and schools are considerably lower than the real costs. Therefore, we earn about half of the income needed to meet our costs from courses, schools and bookshop sales.
We rely on donation income to ‘balance the books’ and help support building projects, sponsor students, run our centres and cover a variety of other costs.
You can find out more on our giving page where you can also make a donation to support the work.
At most Ellel events we offer time for response when guests can choose to receive prayer ministry. This involves one or more of the prayer ministry team partnering with the guest in seeking God for healing and freedom related to specific issues and problems in their life.
There will be some time of talking together and some time of praying together – seeking God for understanding and believing in faith for His healing. Most prayer ministry takes place in the main meeting space of the centre – not in private ministry rooms.
Whether or not you receive prayer ministry is completely up to you and if you would rather not receive prayer that is absolutely fine. We are simply available to come alongside you and help you get closer to God and to look at things the Lord may have highlighted to you that need healing.
For some people, the simple opportunity to share experiences in their life that have been painful and hidden is a big step. For those people ‘just being heard’ is a great release.
We believe that the evidence of God at work through prayer ministry will be the demonstration of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) as well as the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation. We therefore strive to minister in the love and peace of God, fully reliant on His Holy Spirit to move. Our Ministry Teams are very ordinary people who are trusting in an extraordinary God to do what only He can do.
Deliverance is releasing a person from hostile spiritual control in their life, using the authority of Jesus Christ to cast out demons. Jesus Himself performed deliverance many times in the Gospels and placed it at the heart of the Lord’s Prayer when He encouraged his disciples and followers to pray, “Deliver us from evil.” (Matthew 6:13). Deliverance is a part of the healing process that does not need to be feared. At Ellel, we have learned many valuable lessons in regard to the healing and deliverance ministry and believe deliverance should be gentle and without causing distress.
Absolutely, yes! We work to a very strict confidential model and all of our team and volunteers have signed confidentiality agreements. The only exception to this would is if someone shares something that we are legally obliged to disclose to authorities.
Our Ministry Team are an amazing bunch of people! They are made up of full-time and part-time team members as well as hundreds of volunteers who regularly support the work through praying with guests. They are normal, regular people with hearts to see God transform lives. They all have their own testimonies of what God has done for them, so they know what it is like to be in the place of receiving prayer ministry. In fact, it is a requirement of being on the Ministry Team to continue being open to receive prayer ministry for themselves as we fully recognise we are all in the process of restoration.
Our Ministry Team are all trained, or in the process of being trained by Ellel. Anyone in the process of being trained will be fully supervised by an experienced member of the Ministry Team.
Read more about our Ministry Team and our beliefs and practices about healing.
It is very natural to be nervous or scared and we recognise for some it is a big thing to come to a new place to talk about your life issues. Please be assured you will be treated with love, care, kindness and dignity throughout your time with us. Likewise, we will support you as best we can in the nervous days before arriving with us. Contact the centre you are visiting and let them know you are struggling; they would love to help you.
We firmly believe that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) but you may well feel that there is too much damage in your life that healing seems distant or even impossible. Please be encouraged that we have helped many who have felt like hopeless cases and as it turns out, they are not so hopeless after all. If your heart is to reach out to God in those hurting places, He will meet you.
Healing is a broad term that we can limit to a one-off experience or encounter with God. Yet, we see healing as a part of the discipleship walk we are called to as Christians and a process that continues throughout our lives. Major breakthroughs and one-off encounters are great but the goal should always be a deepening of your relationship with God. Dealing with issues of the past and how we have responded to those can take time to untangle and for us to learn new ways of responding and behaving. God is kind and gentle… He never overpowers us or forces us. It is in the journey that we learn more of who He is. In essence, He takes it in His time as He knows what is best for us.
It is a good question and one that keeps us praying and pursuing more understanding of healing within the ministry. One way of looking at it is to question our personal definition of healing… is it what we want or what God wants to transform in our lives? Another consideration is the state of our own heart: is it hard and independent in part or fully soft and submitted to His ways? Sometimes, we just don’t know but we never stop asking the Lord to show us more of how to bring true and lasting healing to the Body of Christ and to trust Him when things don’t happen the way we wanted them to.
We do not offer prayer ministry over the phone. Our teams are very busy running programmes at the centre and cannot spend large amount of time on the phone. It is also not a very comprehensive way of trying to deal with personal issues. In many countries there are dedicated phone support charities that can help when you are in need.
We would love to welcome everyone from everywhere to one of our centres but that is vastly unrealistic! As such, we are working hard at online facilities that you can access to help you with your walk with God. Consider signing up for Seeds of the Kingdom and our blogs as well as our free audio and video resources. These are all free resources that have helped people in the past, without receiving personal prayer ministry!
Yes, you are more than welcome! We hope your experience is one where you can see Christianity and God in a way that is real and life changing. You don’t need to bring a Bible or anything… not everyone does so you won’t look like the odd one out.
Connect with us
For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
Or contact your nearest centre