The monthly support of people like yourself is critical to keeping Ellel running and available. We so appreciate all those who so freely and generously give.
If you are able, please do consider giving a monthly amount to the UK work as a “Friend of Ellel Ministries UK”. No amount is too small and every penny will be used wisely to continue this work and keep our doors open to all in need and wanting a touch from the Lord. Your giving will enable us to continue offering free Healing Retreats and events for anyone seeking an encounter with God.
You can quickly set any monthly amount you wish to give each month and cancel anytime, either by contacting us directly or managing it online through your own My Ellel account on our website. If you are a UK taxpayer, your giving goes further by selecting the Gift-aid option. This means the government will increase your donation by 25% enabling your donation to go even further.
Thank you for standing with us and being part of what God is doing through this ministry.
Andy Taylor International Director
A Friend of Ellel UK is someone who gives regularly to support the ministry.
Have you found the ministry of Ellel helpful? If so, and if you are able, please do consider giving a monthly amount to Ellel UK. No amount is too small and all will be used to further the ministry. What an encouragement to know you are joining with us by supporting the work.
Your gifts help to create a warm, welcoming environment at our centres. They enable us to offer Healing Retreats free of charge and to keep course prices below the real cost, so that lack of finance is not a barrier for anyone to receive the love and healing of Jesus.
To become a Friend of Ellel UK is really easy!
Donate any monthly amount, small or large, and you will be changing lives and helping others to become more fruitful for the Kingdom of God.
We earn approximately 55% of our annual income through payments for events and the sale of resources. The remainder of our budget (approximately 45%) relies upon donation income.
Regular giving is the best way to support Ellel Ministries because it provides a secure source of income to the ministry. This makes such a difference to our ability to plan effectively. By supporting the UK work as a whole, you ensure that your local centre’s ups and downs of income are smoothed out. What a blessing! Instead of being constantly distracted by cash-flow issues, it allows the team to focus fully on welcoming people, teaching, praying with guests and all the other things that bless people.
Yes, we welcome donations to a specific cause or project.
For online donations to individual UK centres go to and scroll to find options.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, please contact us at
There have been many occasions when God has used a legacy in the will of a supporter to turn things around at the very moment of a great need or opportunity. Such moments result in an outpouring of praise to God and very heartfelt gratitude to the loving friend of the ministry.
If you would like to include a gift to the ministry, you simply say in your will if you are giving a set amount or a percentage of your estate. The details you need to add are:
Charity name: The Christian Trust
Charity number: 1041237 In Scotland the charity number is SCO 338860
Address: Ellel Grange, Bay Horse,Lancaster LA2 0HN
The outworking of healed lives ripple out into a broken world, displaying the loving heart of God for us. We invite you to stand with us, as we demonstrate more of God’s light in the darkness.
(scroll/swipe to view)
The Lord rescued me from self-sabotage – which came from a place of hurt & anger as a result of continuous rejection. I am His Beloved. I embrace this truth delivered so creatively, prayerfully and lovingly.
Restoration Week Guest
Your gentle and loving reflection of the acceptance and truths of who I am in Jesus has opened a window in my soul to let the sunshine (hope) in. I have bathed in this loving embrace (atmosphere) since I arrived and I feel the deep restoration work being done deep deep down.
Restoration Week Guest
I came here depressed and oppressed, having been involved in occult activities in the past. But now, having attended Ellel Ministries, and having received the in-depth counselling and excellent teaching, I am completely free.
Guest - Jesus Heals Today!
Love being me… being a loved, created, adopted child of God belonging to Him and being in a family is now my identity.
Explore Guest
I came with an agenda and although this was met, the ministry went beyond this and actually got to the REAL root of the problem - not what I had actually expected.
God reached into the pain of my despair and I got to a place where I was able to surrender suicide as an escape route to the Lord and to let go of it.
Explore Guest
This is a tremendous place where I felt safe, so I could be open and trust those praying with me.
Explore Guest
Thank you for an amazing day. The sense of the presence of God as I got out of my car in the car park was tangible and it pervaded the atmosphere throughout the day. Thank you for your generosity in pouring out God's love, for the delicious lunch and for serving us as well as providing such a wonderful relaxing day.
Guest from Reflect
Stubborn areas of sin in my life have been burned away by Christ's powerful presence in my life.
Explore Guest
He has set me free from having to be in control, in lots of areas of my life.
I have learnt a lot, I feel freer in spirit, I have been humbled, I have been healed of a neck and arm injury, released from some generational ties. He is amazing!
Explore Guest
I know now that God loves me - I feel so free I could fly!
I was able to experience the true forgiveness of God for the first time.
Explore Guest
For the first time I realised that God loves me and that I am important to Him.
I have a new walk with Father God, unburdened in a most marvellous way.
Explore Guest
He has been rebuilding my life from the inside out, restoring what was broken so I can live again. He has rebuilt the walls of my broken heart, making them of precious stones!
Explore Guest
We both experienced the blessing of healing of past hurts and trauma.
I arrived with no hope left... Hope has been restored, love refilled, belonging confirmed. The lies have gone, and the light is back and I am determined to walk in His promise!
Explore Guest
I learned that God’s family can be trusted here. I learned that maybe there is hope that not all of God’s family want to hurt and reject you. Thank you for showing me kindness, love, compassion, sensitivity and much more in every area which spoke deeply into my heart.
Guest - Bridge From the Head to the Heart
If you prefer to make a single donation, you can do so here or we have one-off donation forms available at each UK Centre.
Connect with us
For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
Or contact your nearest centre