By Andy Taylor, International Director, December 2022
When Jesus met the blind man in Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26), the first thing He did was take him out of the town, spit in his eyes and lay hands on him! Not normal ministry practice for sure! After doing this Jesus asked the man if he could see anything and the response was, ‘I can see people, but they look like trees walking’.
Now, if you were previously blind, this would be a serious upgrade! But I wonder how many of us would settle with that. I mean, before the spit there was nothing, and now there is something. I can get around unaided and can see motion – maybe even a bit of colour. That has to be seen as a win, right? Would we settle there?
In the story, Jesus then lays His hands on him a second time, after which the man’s sight was fully restored. Now, that is an upgrade for sure! But would we have missed it? Would we have settled for the first improvement and left it there? Would we have received the partial sight, even though full sight was on offer?
It’s a challenge for us all to consider. Does God have more that He wants to show us of who He is and His mighty power in our lives, and the lives of the people around us? We believe He does, and we are trusting Him and hungering for more of His power here at Ellel in the lives of our guests who come through our doors in the coming year.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
For us here at Ellel and for you at home, let’s remember these verses and ‘ask big’ of God so that we don’t miss one thing He has for us. Whatever He does by His might power, all Glory goes to Him.
Ellel Grange has been buzzing this past year with all God has been doing. We have committed to praying earnestly before our events for deep life-changing encounters with God. It is so obvious to us that it is His work in the lives of His people! How faithfully He has touched, ministered, brought freedom and hope to so, so many. We ran nearly seventy events in 2022– that’s a lot of lives impacted and a lot of opportunities for God to move!
As we look back over 2022, we are amazed at what God has been doing in people’s lives here at Glyndley Manor. We began the year with the God-given words ‘consolidate’ and ‘unity’ which have proven to be key to what God is doing in and through our team and the guests on our events.
“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ…. we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (abridged)
This Scripture has been the mainstay of a lot of the work that is carried out through our teams in Ukraine, Russia and the surrounding regions. Whilst the war continues and the suffering and injustices are continually being faced, our teams have been working hard at maintaining a connection and unity that goes above and beyond political and geographical boundaries. We hope that this report encourages all of you who gave so generously to our appeal this year and who have prayed for our team in Ukraine. You may not have been able to visit Ukraine personally, but your support has born great fruit.
How can we ever understand the true impact of the Lord’s work in someone’s life? Results can be measured by numbers, but fruit- the outcome of fellowship with God, is harder to grasp. Yet we know that the Lord has deeply and profoundly changed the lives of people on every event we were able to put on this year. The ripple effects of these changes will be a story for eternity!
It has been an eventful year for most of us, and here at Ellel Pierrepont the various challenges of fuel shortages and rising food and utility prices have really encouraged us to lean back into Jesus, trusting Him for our daily bread: the bread of intercession, the bread of resources of people, the bread of finance, and the bread of healing!
The latest Let's Talk Podcast with Andy & Cath Taylor.
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New Book Release
“You won’t find any wishy-washy obedience in CT’s story. He firmly believed that if God had called you, then God knew what He was doing. This belief underpinned his entire life and fuelled his determination to never give up on what God had asked him to do, no matter what the cost, hardship or personal sacrifice.”
Peter Horrobin
Upcoming Courses
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 14-15 Mar 2025
A comprehensive look at the nature and character of God and how a distorted understanding of Him can negatively affect your relationship with Him.
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 18-22 Mar 2025
A practical, equipping course for those that want to learn more about prayer ministry, focussing on Holy Spirit led ministry rather than techniques.
Ellel Grange, 21-23 Mar 2025
Discover the roots of addictive behaviour and the steps you can take to experience lasting freedom in Jesus Christ.
Ellel Scotland, 22 Mar 2025
A day of biblical teaching and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord as well as prayer for those in need.
Ellel Grange, 25-26 Mar 2025
Come away to a prayer-filled environment, and spend focussed time with God, listening to His voice, reading His word and sharing your heart with Him.
Ellel Glyndley Manor, 27-30 Mar 2025
This course is designed to help married couples who want to enter more fully into God’s plans and purposes for their marriage.
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contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
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