How can we ever understand the true impact of the Lord’s work in someone’s life? Results can be measured by numbers, but fruit- the outcome of fellowship with God, is harder to grasp. Yet we know that the Lord has deeply and profoundly changed the lives of people on every event we were able to put on this year. The ripple effects of these changes will be a story for eternity!
We love everything we do here at Blairmore, yet we must admit that ‘Operation Blairmore’ holds an extra special place in our hearts. To be able to serve Pastors & Leaders from around the world is such an enormous privilege, and sometimes we can hardly believe the amazing ways in which the Lord uses us on these retreats. Here are the words of one of the Pastors who attended this year:
“I came to Blairmore 3 years after severe ministry burnout, my strength sapped, but still limping along in life and ministry. I had asked the Lord to integrate my heart, to put me back together again, not sure if that was even possible. Over the space of the retreat, He healed my body, soul and spirit in small, surprising and hugely significant ways. I rediscovered hope and joy that had been stolen, and learned how to be real with God and myself again. I sang for the first time in 3 years. I returned secure in who I am supposed to be, that is enough. Thankful for such a significant time of drinking from a pure well of living water.”
the entire preaching ministry in their church has been revolutionised
He later told me that God freed him from depression and one of the congregation just told me that the entire preaching ministry in their church has been revolutionised as a result! Through one man’s healing hundreds of others are being blessed. God is the God of multiplication!
We were touched when a first-time guest shared a vision the Lord had given him, and which describes Blairmore in a way that deeply resonated with us:
“When I was going to sleep on the first night, I had a picture of a tarn deep in the mountains which was at high level in a bowl below the summit of a mountain. The tarn was a beautiful area of crystal clear water. It was not visible from below and most people passing by would not be aware it was there. Those climbing that particular peak were surprised by its beauty as they came over the rim of the bowl. They felt it was a special place and felt privileged to be among the few who experienced it. I felt the Lord was saying that this is a picture of Blairmore, not just physically (as it is hidden) but spiritually. It is those who were intentionally going deep and high into the mountains who found the tarn with its beauty and refreshing cleansing water. It is those who are intentionally going deeper and higher into their relationship with the Lord who find in Blairmore a place of beauty and refreshment and cleansing. Like the tarn, it is a special place and like those who find the tarn we feel privileged to have found it and to have experienced the presence of the Lord with you.”
His amazing gentle, deep and powerful Presence at Blairmore
We are so thankful to the Lord for His amazing gentle, deep and powerful Presence at Blairmore. Almost every week do we hear how people are blown away by just how deeply, yet gently He works in this place. We know for fact that it is not because of us, but because of Him!
Someone on our creativity event received deep healing into several areas of her life, but what she appreciated the most was the atmosphere in which the Lord brought about these healings:
“The best part of my visit to Blairmore was being surrounded by God’s presence, the beautiful grounds and feeling accepted, like part of a family, by the loving, servant-hearted team. Thank you so much”.
So whilst we face many challenges we continue on, seeking to provide an environment in which the Lord can move and bring His deep healing love into people’s lives- transforming lives and ultimately impacting many more.
Ellel Scotland, 22 Mar 2025
A day of biblical teaching and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord as well as prayer for those in need.
Ellel Scotland, 12-19 Apr 2025
Take a week out of the busyness of life just to ‘be’ and find restoration through getting off the treadmill of life and stopping awhile.
Ellel Scotland, 22 Apr 2025
Our gift to you. A free opportunity for you to seek God afresh and enjoy the tranquil beauty of Blairmore House and our grounds.
Ellel Scotland, 26 Apr - 3 May 2025
Join the extended family of our team as we work together in the grounds and woodlands at Blairmore. You don’t need any particular skills.
Ellel Scotland, 10 May 2025
A day of biblical teaching and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord as well as prayer for those in need.
Ellel Scotland, 17-24 May 2025
Find respite and restoration for your spirit, soul and body through inspirational walks in the stunning beauty of the Scottish countryside.
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