Still Waters Retreat

A personal retreat for refreshment and restoration


Course In Progress

18 - 25 Apr 2024

Ellel Scotland

One Week Event

Thursday - Thursday

About the Course

In today’s fast-paced society, finding time to sit and reflect on life, hear from God and to enjoy the abundance of His creation is becoming more and more difficult. With each increasing pressure, the time we spend with God, as well as time just for ourselves, is diminished.  Yet, our human spirits yearn for these times of restoration; time to rest, time to pray, time to enjoy God’s Word, time just to ‘be’.

A Still Waters Retreat is the perfect antidote to life’s constant demands. There is no busy teaching schedule, only a gentle devotional over breakfast times and a short teaching by the fireside in the evenings.

Each week there will be a theme for the event with evening teaching sessions.  Our course hosts will be available to chat with you during the week as well as ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible.

This Still Waters will be themed around the Lord’s Passover / Easter. Throughout the teaching sessions we will look at what it means that Jesus became our Passover Lamb. We will look into the significance of the Passover Feast and share a Passover Seder meal together, which will be a very rich, meaningful and joyous time of celebrating our Risen Lord!

During the day you are free to do whatever you want, whether it be a walk in the local countryside, spend time in our well-equipped creativity room, read or relax in the plush drawing room or travel further afield to explore more of the local area.  This is your time and you choose how to spend it.

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

John 4:14, ESV

The Centre

What better location for such an event than in the amazing beauty and peace of Blairmore House? With spacious and luxurious accommodation, nestled in a large woodland estate, surrounded by the stunning vista of the highlands of Scotland, Blairmore offers comfort, seclusion and creative inspiration for you to make the most of time just for you.

Coming here has given me the peace and solitude I have needed to seek my Lord again and for Him to re-affirm my walk with Him. I am energised, renewed and ever hope filled!


It afforded me time alone to think, pray and be at peace.


Book Your Place

Booking Options

You'll be able to select your preferred booking option for each participant in the next step









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