There are many fundamental questions regarding Christian prayer ministry that need answering in order for you to be effective in your prayers for others. The search for Biblical truth in areas such as demonisation, generational sin, bonds in relationships, sexuality and much more can become a minefield of opinion, perception and personal beliefs.
Solidly based on Scriptural principles, this 9-day course seeks to build a foundation of truth regarding God’s heart for healing and how to pray effectively for others, as well as offering hope for your own healing needs. Exploring fundamental principles of healing as well as digging deeper into some of the most common healing needs, this course has proven to be a powerful springboard for many, either in their own ministry, their personal healing journey or both.
Balancing the teaching with worship times, prayer, bible study, free time and group sessions, MicroNETS offers you a cohesive overview of the Christian healing ministry as well as time and space for personal transformation.
You'll be able to select your preferred booking option for each participant in the next step
Dormitory (Up to 9 sharing)
Triple / Quad (3-4 sharing)
Twin (2 sharing)
Twin ensuite (2 sharing)
Single ensuite
Bookings has closed for this event
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