A Message from Andy Taylor (International Director)
Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen a number of references to a ‘New World Order’ in the news. This phrase normally refers to a dramatic shift in world politics and the balance of power between nations, which ushers in a new period of history.
Well, if you’ve attempted to keep up with the news, you will have seen this unfolding for sure!
New World Orders are nothing new – they have been established all through history. But the key difference in today’s world is that every detail of what is happening has broken into our everyday lives, and is instantly available on our phones, tablets and TVs.
The challenge we face as God’s people, is to keep our eyes on Jesus and to experience His peace.
In many ways, the production of world news is following the pattern of social media – creating an infinite feed of news which sucks you in, captures your attention with one dramatic piece of information – only to switch you to another that is equally dramatic. It’s an unsettling, disorienting, anxiety-inducing, whiplash kind of experience.
The resulting loss of peace can feel overwhelming as we grapple with things we have no control over, but which ultimately have the potential to control us. We find ourselves dealing with emotions of anger, frustration, fear, confusion, depression and overwhelm. We wonder if the information we are being given is really true, and we observe the polarisation of society and the apparent inability for there to be different opinions without conflict.
The challenge we face as God’s people, is to keep our eyes on Jesus and to experience His peace – a peace that is not dictated to by the circumstances we encounter.
So, let’s hit pause and consider what the Lord might remind us of…
(Daniel 2:20-22; Proverbs 19:21; Psalm 115:3; 1 Chronicles 29:11-12)
Take time to read these scriptures and ask God to let His word bring that deep security to your heart – He is in control. He is King of kings. He is seated on His throne in Heaven. In Him all things are held together. He has all power and all authority. He is not confused by world events or stressed in any way about what is happening. He is working out His plan and His purpose. He has said it and He will do it!
(Colossians 3:2; Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 121)
These scriptures remind us where our focus should be – on Him. Just as happened with Peter when he walked on water, ‘waves’ of life cause us to take our eyes off Jesus, and the result is that we sink. Take time to call out to Jesus and to choose to fix your gaze on Him once again.
(Isaiah 41:10; Zephaniah 3:17; Psalm 23:4; John 14:16-17)
There is no greater comfort than this! Overwhelm makes us feel isolated and alone. But as God’s beloved children, nothing could be further from the truth. Whether you are reading this on a bus, in your kitchen, at work, or in bed, you are not alone. God is with you. He will always be with you. And He will work out His purposes for your life.
(John 14:27; Joshua 1:9; Psalm 27:1)
The word ‘troubled’ in John 14 means inward commotion, disquiet, restless, stirred up. These are good descriptions of how we can feel. Jesus is well aware that chaos will come in the world but His words urge us not to allow this chaos to invade our hearts. A choice is required on our part. Jesus didn’t say, ‘I’ll stop your hearts from being troubled.’ He said, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled.’ Let’s choose that today. It can only happen when we remember His is in control, we look up and fix our eyes on Him and we remember that He is with us.
(John 12:26; Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 10:35-39)
Fear and anxiety cause us to shrink back and lose our voice. But God has give us a mission and its one that requires boldness and courage. This isn’t self-generated, but is from God’s Holy Spirit – just as it was in the book of Acts. Let’s ask God to give us courage to follow him without compromise and to share His love and life with those around us. Jesus is the hope-giver, and this world desperately needs hope. Jesus is looking to us to instil His hope into those around us who feel hopeless and are in overwhelm. So let’s keep going – confident in our God to work in us and through us.
In Luke 21:25-28 Jesus tells His disciples that before His return there will be distress of nations and people fainting with fear and foreboding of what is coming on the earth. What we see and read in the news should be of no surprise to us. But Jesus goes on to say that when we see these things taking place, that we should ‘straighten up and raise our heads, because our redemption is drawing near!’
So, as the media continues to broadcast news reflecting this prophetic reality, let’s keep our eyes lifted and fixed on Jesus, and trust in His power and His Name to save.
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