Register for My Ellel

Discover and access everything Ellel Ministries offers by registering today. You will be able to book courses, events, purchase products and make donations. Enjoy the convenience of your own Ellel dashboard that will securely display booked courses and lots more useful information.


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When you register for a “My Ellel” account you are accepting Ellel Ministries’ Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy concerning your use of the site and the way we manage the data you provide us. We do not share data to third parties.

A warm welcome to Ellel Ministries where we trust you will find hope, healing and a new sense of personal freedom in your walk with Jesus. Register your “My Ellel” account to get the most out of your time with us.

My Ellel

It’s an exciting time when exploring all that God has for your life and we want to make your experience as meaningful as possible. After registering your account, it’s our aim to give you all you need at the tip of your fingers: whether it’s to make a course booking or check up on a donation you made.

With so much happening across our centres in the UK and across the world, we know it can at first feel overwhelming. That’s why we have put all your Ellel activities inside your own personal dashboard that will be available to you each time you log in to Ellel Ministries.

Register now to enjoy all the conveniences and rich benefits of your personal My Ellel account. You can contact us anytime on 01524 751651 if you need additional support.

I feel lighter and freer and feel I know in my heart now what I previously only knew in my head.


Connect with us

For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
Or contact your nearest centre

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