Do you have a heart for hurting and broken people and long to be able to help them more effectively? Do you want to bring more of Jesus’ healing power into your church? Are you looking for a concentrated training programme? Impact may be the answer to your desire to be equipped to bring God’s love into a broken world that is in need of healing, whilst also finding help for your own personal struggles.
... and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.
Luke 9:2
Impact is a 20 day concentrated programme of teaching and practical ministry experience, designed to better equip you to fulfil Jesus’ commission to bring healing to others, as well as to experience greater personal wholeness in your own life.
It is primarily designed for those who want to be further equipped to minister to people in need of the healing touch of Jesus. Often popular with pastors and leaders, this course requires a good level of Christian maturity to make the most of the concentrated teaching schedule and practical workshops.
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
Proverbs 2:6
Healing for the human spirit is a precious work of God’s grace available for all believers, as we allow Him to show us the true condition of our hearts, the deep wounding caused by others and the need for us to extend forgiveness.
Through wrong teaching or when we have been frequently or deeply hurt, and when pressed by our carnality, we can form sinful beliefs, attitudes and prejudices concerning ourselves and the world around us.
Those who have suffered an accident may have received excellent medical care, but sometimes there is a lingering issue of disorder due to an inner unhealed place, which can only be fully restored by Jesus.
This is a damaging spiritual condition inherited from our ancestors as a result of their sin. The Bible tells us that this inheritance can affect family lines, each sinful idolatrous practice reaching its full effect after three or four generations.
For a Christian, deliverance is encountered not just in the wonderful process of being born again — the precious transfer from spiritual darkness of the enemy;s domain to the light of the Kingdom of God (Colossians 1:13) — but also in the ongoing, and very necessary, cleansing of our lives.
When we try to self-protect, such as hiding behind a brave face, without knowing or seeking God’s help, the anxiety and fear can remain unresolved, with a grip on our lives today.
In the place of a growing heart security, we can find a restoration of peace in all the human relationships which have caused us wounding and pain. As we forgive others and confess our own wrong behaviours, God pardons, cleanses and brings deep healing to the places of distress and bondage.
There is much opportunity through generational iniquity, parental sin, abuse and personal wrongdoing, for damage to occur in a person’s sexuality, causing a range of dysfunctions. Thankfully, God can restore the deepest places of inner wounding in our lives when we come to him in obedience to His ways.
Alongside the training, there will be times of personal ministry, where guests can apply the teaching to their own personal struggles to enable them to move forward in finding and fulfilling their calling.
The first part of the programme provides core biblical teaching on the healing ministry of Jesus. This lays an essential scriptural basis for understanding Kingdom principles relating to healing. The practical application of these principles to common problems in people’s lives is then explored.
The second part of the programme provides practical teaching and experience of healing ministry under the supervision of the Ellel prayer ministry team.
Through the 20 days, the teaching naturally grows from the core foundations through to the practical details of how to minister effectively into a person’s life. Once the Biblical foundations are laid, the teaching explores deeper into specific topics so you can gain a fuller understanding of the healing ministry and how it all fits together.
Along the way there will be times of discussion, group sessions and worksheets to consolidate your learning experience and times of personal prayer ministry to allow God to work through your personal issues. Most evenings are kept free for rest, with some times of worship, fellowship and creativity times also included.
Impact is first and foremost a training programme. If you can answer yes to some of these questions, then it may be just right for you!
Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth.
Psalm 25:4
The ministry of healing and deliverance, restoring lives that are wounded, broken or in spiritual bondage, is often referred to as prayer ministry. It is being alongside a fellow believer, together seeking God for His truth and grace, and helping to bring God’s healing into the person’s life.
This is the acting and speaking, in prayer and proclamation, in agreement with God concerning His will for particular people and situations. Agreement with God undermines the authority of the enemy. Intercession advances the Kingdom of God on earth and brings about His purposes in human lives (Matthew 6:10).
Once established in a person’s life, rejection can become an enslaving mindset which even seems to define something of their identity — as a rejected person. Rejection is the way of the world, not of God’s Kingdom. A decision to agree with God removes the bondage of rejection and fear, and leads to the disempowerment of all the enemy’s spiritual holds.
Rightful expression of emotions brings God’s order in our lives whenever we find ourselves facing demanding issues (Psalm 62:8). Unfortunately, the truth for most of us is that especially in our childhood, such emotions could not always be expressed as God intended, which has left us with a painful storehouse of ’emotional magma’ ready to erupt like a volcano.
You'll be able to select your preferred booking option for each participant in the next step
Sold Out £1,445.00
Only 3 premium spaces left! Please book by calling the office.
When booking an event at Blairmore,
there are two options for accommodation,
Premium and Standard.
All rooms at Blairmore are 2-3 person sharing and en-suite. Premium accommodation is more expensive due to the high-quality standard of the rooms, which were lovingly restored with antiques; standard accommodation is more simply renovated in a modern style.
Do contact us if you have any query about staying at Blairmore House.
Our kitchen team are passionate about making delicious, nutritious meals for our guests. We are able to cater for some special medical diets if you give us notice on booking and liaise with us.
Meal times are typically:
Breakfast 8.45am
Lunch 12.45pm
Evening Meal 6.00pm.
Weekend courses start with a 6.00pm dinner and finish after lunch on the final day. Week-long courses start with a 6.00pm dinner and finish after breakfast on the final day.
We have a friendly reception team who will be available throughout your stay and will be able to help you with any problems or questions you may have.
It is generally open week days 9.00am- 5.00pm.
We have a car park in front of the house for all our guests. Feel free to unload at reception before parking (all cars are parked at your own risk).
We have limited ground floor bedrooms available so please enquire when booking your room if we have availability.
Free WiFi internet access is available by reception in the house.
Ellel Scotland is set in the village of Glass, which is 45 miles west of Aberdeen in the north of Scotland. Its nearest town is Huntly.
Ellel Scotland
Blairmore House
Glass, Huntly
AB54 4XH
United Kingdom
Our nearest international airport is Aberdeen (ABZ), which is 45 miles away. From there you can take a taxi to the local train station, Aberdeen Dyce, and take a train to Huntly, the closest town.
From Aberdeen take the A96 (signposted Inverness) and turn off at Huntly onto the A920 (signposted to Dufftown). Drive about 6 miles from the A96, turn left down the drive signposted “Glass Church & Blairmore House” which leads into the front drive of Blairmore. Driving time from Aberdeen is about 60 minutes.
From the A95 at Charlestown take the A941 to Dufftown and then the A920 for about 5 miles. Take the first right turn (signposted “Glass Church & Blairmore House” which leads into the front drive. For Sat Nav use our post code – AB54 4XH. The Sat Nav will take people to our back driveway, so please follow the signposts.
Our nearest bus stop is in Huntly. We collect guests from The Square, in Huntly at 16.10 on the first day of any event. Please notify the office if you want to be added to the list.
Our nearest train station is Huntly (7 miles away). We collect guests from Huntly at 16:50 on the first day of any event. Please notify the office if you want to be added to the list.
Local taxis are occasionally available to and from Blairmore. Contact us for taxi phone numbers, if required. Pre-booking is suggested as availability is varied.
Blairmore House is situated amongst stunning scenery, with rivers, lochs, mountains and coastland all within easy reach. It makes it an ideal destination for our walking and creative retreats. The coast is 25 miles north to Blairmore House, about 45 minutes drive.
Balmoral Castle was owned by Queen Victoria and is now the private property of the Royal Family. The late Queen Elizabeth was especially fond of visiting each summer. When the Royal Family is away, the castle is open to receive tourist guests. Balmoral is 50 miles south of Blairmore House, and about 1.5 hr drive away.
The Cairngorms are a wild mountain range in the eastern highlands of Scotland. They are a National Park, and offer stunning scenery, hiking and skiing adventures. Aviemore town is a hub of winter sport activity when the snow arrives, having its own ski resort.
There is plenty of beautiful scenery on the doorstep of Blairmore House, with woodland paths around our own grounds, or nearby walks just a short drive away.
Only 3 premium spaces left! Please book by calling the office.
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Connect with us
For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or
Or contact your nearest centre