2nd October 2024

Putting Roots Down in Rwanda

“To grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.”  Isaiah 61:3

Our first connection with Rwanda was shortly after the horrors of the 1994 genocide when a lady who was macheted in the neck and left for dead in a mass grave, miraculously survived and later visited Ellel Grange where she received miraculous healing.  Rwanda was a nation split in two by pure evil and many lost their lives through abject horror and trauma.  Thirty years on and Rwanda is a nation where its innate national beauty is rising up from the ashes of terror and bloodshed, into a beacon of restoration, hope and reconciliation that goes beyond human comprehension.  There has been, not only economic and infrastructural development, but also healing and restoration taking place on community and individual level.

For many years, pioneering Ellel teams visited Rwandan churches and, in 2013, Ellel Rwanda was formally established.  Ellel Rwanda has been an active part of the national reconciliation work with the churches and the people, playing its part in God’s incredible healing and reviving of a nation.

Retired Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini says, “Rwanda has been a wounded society. We thank God for what Ellel Ministries has done.  It reached out to many.  We heard testimonies from across the country.”

Having grown beyond the capacity of its rented accommodation, Ellel Rwanda now needs replanting in a permanent home where it can put its roots down and continue to grow and fulfil the call of God as this nation starts to sing His Name and glory above the destruction of the enemy.

Watch this video to hear directly from our leaders in Rwanda and their heart to bring God’s healing power into communities across the nation.

The property is located in the heart of Kigali, in Remera and is made of 8 two-bedroom apartments, with a parking lot and some garden space.

The cost of purchasing the property is 466 million Rwf (approximately 350,000 USD) and we are looking for an additional 133 million Rwf (Approximately 100,000 USD) to renovate it for our purposes. The renovations will include transforming one apartment into a teaching hall, another one into a dining hall and two others into office space.

The teaching hall will have a capacity of around 70 so we can maximise the amount of people we can have on our events.

The remaining four apartments will be equipped to serve as accommodation for up to 24 people to stay over as needed. The garden space will also be landscaped to create a welcoming and peaceful outdoor area.

The owner has been extremely gracious towards us and as offered us time to raise the required funds.  We have agreed with the owner to conclude the purchase by November 1st, 2024. If we don’t get the total amount needed to buy the property by then, it can be sold to someone else.

Please join with us in prayer and, if you can, financially to support the work of restoration in Rwanda. Thank you!


If you would like to make a donation towards the purchase of the Rwandan centre, please click the link below:

Donate to Ellel Rwanda

Ellel Ministries By Ellel Ministries


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