Explore is a series of weekend courses designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of learning, understanding and personal transformation. Ellel Scotland offers each Explore series in three longer events rather than weekends.
Together we will find that there is hope and help for the issues we struggle with in everyday life – issues of anxiety, stress, physical pain, emotional distress, problems in relationships, addictive behaviour and depression to name just a few.
Those who journey through Explore will grow in their personal relationship with the Lord but also become better equipped to help others as they learn how to minister in the love and power of God to those in need.
Each of the events in the series will include time for worship, biblical teaching, group discussion, activities and opportunity for prayer.
Explore courses are run from each of our three UK centres and are held at different times of the year. Choose the centre closest to you for convenient travel. Courses are available at Ellel Grange (Lancashire), Ellel Glyndley Manor (East Sussex), and Ellel Scotland (Aberdeenshire).
As the course progresses, these weekends become increasingly more special to guests as times of learning, fellowship, worship and prayer. Each centre has their own teaching team, but the Explore teaching content is the same.
Explore offers the opportunity to briefly get away from your every day world, to enjoy the beautiful grounds and surroundings of our centres, and reconnect with God. We have an amazing team that wants to make your stay with us a deeply blessed one.
Click below for more information about our centres, their locations and facilities.
Explore is friendly, and is at a pace that suited me. It showed me the way to connect with people in deeper fellowship.
Explore A, Explore B, & Explore +
Explore courses are split into three main sections starting with Explore A (made up of 10 weekend events). This is the place to start and through Explore A some essential foundations are laid early on which then lead to significant teachings on key issues we face in life such as rejection, forgiveness, fear, inner healing and finding freedom from the strongholds of the enemy.
For those who want to continue the journey, Explore B (made up of a further 10 weekend events) builds on the teaching of Explore A and introduces some more important topics. The final part of the journey is Explore + which is designed specifically for those who feel a heart to minister to others.
Explore is designed to be completed systematically and guests that have gone through Explore A see the life-changing effect it has on them and usually can’t wait for Explore B to start! It’s a journey both with God and with likeminded Christians resulting in precious friendships as the course progresses.
The Explore Journey
You can either register for the Full Explore Tour experience, by registering for all the weekend courses, or you can just hop on and off during the programme’s Explore journey, taking a course that interests you most. The final stop, the Healing Workshop, is only available to those on the full Explore Tour. If you’re unsure how much you can commit to, Registration Period for all explore weekends are until A3.
Which Explore?
Weekend Events: A series of weekend events at our 2 centres based in England.
5-Day Events: Or if longer events suit you better, there is a 3-part Explore Course exclusively available from Ellel Scotland. Each part is run over 5 days.
Living the Christian life offers us many promises, yet we can easily feel stuck or dry in our relationship with God. We can look at others who seem to be thriving and feel bad because we can’t overcome our personal life issues.
This course is all about hope. Hope for freedom from the past and hope for abundant life in the future.
It answers life’s foundational questions from a solid biblical perspective as we look at the sweep of history from the early days in Genesis until the Lord’s return in Revelation. We will understand better how humankind got to be in such a mess, God’s amazing rescue plan for each one of us, and the promise of an abundant life in the midst of it all.
The teaching will look at possible roots of issues in our lives, explore God’s passionate heart to heal, how that was expressed through the life of Jesus and how He is still the God who heals!
It is an amazing truth that God wants us to truly know Him – not just to know about Him. Many of us would say we long for a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God but we can struggle to know how to attain this.
This course explores the beauty and depth of God’s true character and nature, bringing understanding to the fulness of who He really is, the majestically awesome King and yet so very personal at the same time.
As we explore the truth of who He is, the teaching aims to expose any distorted views of God we may hold and how they can prevent us from experiencing the deep and intimate relationship our Heavenly Father yearns to have with each one of us.
Through coming to know more of God, the victory through Christ and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience God in a new way: deeper, more personal, unshakable and eternal.
When Jesus spoke from the Cross, “Father forgive them”, He released to humankind an immensely powerful key for restoration from the bondage of pain from the past. For true freedom we need not only to receive God’s forgiveness for our own sinful actions, but we need to extend forgiveness to all those who have hurt us, however difficult this may be.
Unlocking this pivotal Kingdom principle, this course we will explore the damage caused when there is unforgiveness, judgement and bitterness in our hearts and how to face the many challenges of applying this key to the painful areas of our lives. Breaking the subject down into four main principles and looking at each one will highlight just how central a topic this is to our wellbeing, not just spiritually, but how it can also affect us emotionally and even physically.
Throughout the course there will be personal times with God for Him to bring conviction, healing and restoration from the damage that unforgiveness can inflict upon you, unlocking a pathway to true and sustained healing.
Facing rejection and betrayal can cripple our hearts and minds. It pervades many aspects of our lives as we struggle with consequential fears, insecurities and relationship problems. It can break our trust and faith in others, in ourselves and even in God, leaving us feeling isolated and insecure.
Yet, Scripture teaches us that we are unconditionally loved, accepted and a vital part of God’s family… a place where we can belong and be free to be ourselves. A sense of inadequacy, guilt or shame can hold us back from embracing these truths and we seek to protect our hearts from further rejection and betrayal.
This course will explore how rejection first came into the world and the consequences of it. We will look at how it can form distorted beliefs about our own acceptability to God, to others and even to ourselves and how God’s loving acceptance and His truth can transform our lives, bringing us to a place of assurance and peace once again.
God’s word is very clear that we live in a spiritual battle and we have a very real enemy. Satan seeks to bring destruction and distress into this world and into our lives and we are urged not to be ignorant of his devices.
We need to know how we can gain freedom and victory from the enemy, something which is only possible because of Jesus’ death on the cross.
This course exposes the enemy’s tactics to undermine the work and will of God. It brings a biblical understanding of the deliverance ministry, the lessons that can be learned from the way Jesus ministered to people in the gospels, who deliverance is for, how the enemy can gain a foothold, and how Jesus has given us His power and authority to bring freedom to others.
But the emphasis will be on the good news of the Gospel; Jesus came to set the captives free and His victory on the Cross has defeated all the powers of Satan. Focussing on how to apply this victory to our personal lives, it aims to bring deep spiritual freedom to the strongholds of the enemy.
Inner hurts and pain are a reality we all face and can be ignored, suppressed or even denied. Yet the legacy of the issues can linger and negatively outwork in every area of our life.
Understanding how our inner being functions and can be damaged is a key to opening new doors for God’s healing work in our lives.
This course clearly outlines the fundamental understanding of who we are as people, what is really going in our inner being, and how past experiences have affected us and left us with struggles we can’t seem to break through.
It will help untangle the causes and effects of inner damage as well as how to apply God’s Truth and bring hope and healing to the hidden and hurting places within.
Some things in life impact us deeper than others. In fact, sometimes the things we go through can have such a profound impact on our human spirit that they shape the way we live, behave and relate to others, including God.
This course is designed to explore the function and purpose of our human spirit which brings revelation that opens doors to healing opportunities never explored before.
Based on biblical examples, we will look at how our human spirits can be damaged in various ways. It will also challenge our responses to this damage that can cause us ongoing hurt, pain and life struggles, often leaving us with a sense of constant inner distress and overwhelm.
Looking at how our human spirit encompasses our God-given identity, our creativity and the place of connection with God, this is a vital topic that can radically change how you approach dealing with the issues you face in life.
With this shift of understanding, Jesus can enter into the very core and deep places of our hearts to outpour his healing, bringing true and lasting transformation of our lives.
When God made us in His image, He set relationships at the heart of life. We are created to live in dynamic relationship with both God and with one another.
If we want to find joy and freedom in healthy relationships then we need to explore how our experiences of former relationships can forge views, expectations and behaviour patterns that limit how we connect with God as well as with others.
The teaching will explain how we are connected with each other through relationship and how this connection is designed by God to be a blessing. But they can become toxic through difficult or traumatic experiences – leading to an ungodly entanglement with those we have had wrong relationships with.
During the course we’ll consider how God can bring healing to the pain caused by difficult relationships and guidance on how to be free from the consequences of wrong relationships in the past.
Fear and anxiety are becoming more prevalent in the world today and can be regular but crippling companions along our life journey.
This course seeks to untangle this complex issue, investigating the roots of fear and anxiety as well as looking at how human solutions are less than perfect and can even be unhelpful. It also looks at how we can develop a misconception of how God views us in our struggles and, instead of finding the Lord in our place of need, we find our own ways of coping and controlling our lives to avoid the discomfort and weakness of fear.
This course will share how the Lord longs to show us the freedom that is in Him when we can learn to fully trust Him with the worries of our heart, bringing us to a place of knowing the truth of who He is – our strong shelter, our safe tower, the anchor for our hearts.
Exploring Ministry Practice. A practical workshop where those who attend have an opportunity to both give and receive ministry from fellow guests on EXPLORE alongside our Ministry Team. Please note that to attend the Healing Workshop you must have completed 6 or more of the Explore A courses.
We can easily lose sight of God’s plans and purposes for our lives, through our busyness or from our insecurities, fears and negative experiences. Measuring up against others can lead us to feeling in inadequate or that we have failed to attain the goals God has set for us.
Yet, the Scriptures are clear that the only way we can truly fulfil God’s plans and purposes in life are to be an active part of His family.
The subject of family is at the heart of the Gospel message and understanding the divine principles of being in God’s family is essential to accepting our position, role and responsibilities within His plans and purposes for our life.
This course will give an eternal perspective of what it means to fulfil our plans and purposes in God’s family and how we can grow and flourish in that place of belonging and rest. It will look at what it means to share in His work, pray His family prayer and draw strength from the family for your everyday life.
What we believe and how we behave our inextricably linked. When our beliefs about ourselves, others and God become distorted through life experiences, it can lead to deep confusion, negatively impact our relationships and bring our mental health into question.
This course will explore the ways in which such beliefs are formed and how these beliefs, when out of sync with God’s truth, cause cycles of behaviour in our lives which can be addictive, destructive and distressing.
God’s heart is to free you from the power of lies that have taken hold in your heart, which will powerfully undermine the habits and behaviours that seek to control you.
With a non-judgmental approach, this course seeks to help you if you are feeling trapped or locked into behaviours you cannot seem to break away from, helping you identify the wrong beliefs that are fuelling the behaviour to find freedom and new life in Christ.
As Christians we are not immune from falling into the hidden traps of the enemy, not least in the pursuit of spiritual well-being and healing.
This course seeks to shed light on the subtle deceptions of the Evil One, exposing enemy footholds gained in the past as well as exploring the ungodly roots of alternative healing remedies and exercise regimes, the issue of defiled land and false religious practices.
With the enemy’s schemes exposed, the Lord can bring deliverance to both person and land that has been defiled and continues to be influenced by the enemy, freeing you up to grow and find true healing through Jesus. It will also explore the important topic of discernment, helping you navigate the possible snares of the enemy in the future.
N.B. This course builds on the teaching of ‘Exposing the Snares of the Enemy 1” (Explore A5) and it is therefore recommended that this course is attended prior to attending.
From the ups to the downs, emotions are an essential part of being human. Without them our relationships are empty and mechanical and our lives grey and colourless.
Yet many of us struggle with our emotions, often trying to deny and even crush them because they seem to be the cause of our problems. The reality is that some emotions seem very hard to handle; they can be overwhelming, seem unacceptable or even feel destructive.
This course seeks to bring a full understanding of what your emotions are, why they exist and how you can handle them in a godly way. It will unpick the intricacies of difficult emotions such as grief, anger and jealousy, and how God has purposed for you to find release and His comfort, so you can move safely through the turmoil and find a new place of rest.
We are facing constant, unprecedented and forceful challenges of secular opinion towards personal identity and sexuality. Maybe you, like many others, are left with very real and honest questions about God’s design for us as sexual beings, possibly even afraid to voice your thoughts or opinions.
This course explores the scriptural foundation for human sexuality as God intended it to be. It will look at the importance and significance of the biblical covenant of marriage, the power of boundaries and will explain how sexual expression outside of this has consequences not just on our lives, but all those connected to us.
The focus of the course is to bring clarity on the heart of God for those looking for healing and restoration. We will look at His offer to bring cleansing, break ungodly bondages and the joy of walking in purity, regardless of past or present struggles.
It is a well-established medical fact that a sudden accident or trauma can leave a person with ongoing mental, emotional and physical issues, even years after the event. But the world’s solutions to these problems are limited. Medicine, mental resilience and emotional crutches can only support the wounded heart; God, the Creator of our hearts, can bring full and lasting healing to our whole personhood.
This course explores our inner response and the outworking of shock and trauma that can cause untold damage to a person, body, soul and spirit, defining what it really means to be broken inside and how healing on the inside can outwork in miraculous healing on the outside too.
Jesus promised to ‘bind up broken hearted ’ and we know from many years of seeing Him do so, that He can bring wonderful restoration and healing from ongoing issues of fear, anxiety, physical conditions and many other issues that hold you back from living in freedom.
Creative expression is all around us, not just in art but in engineering, science and maths as well! Made in the image of our Creator God, we are all creative and our human spirits thrive when being able to express our inner self through creative expression.
Allowing such expression of our inner-self, in a safe family atmosphere, opens the doors to God’s gentle but profound healing as we allow him to access the deep recesses of our hearts where words are not enough to express long-forgotten pain.
This course provides time to discover the joy of being creative in a non-threatening way with a wide array of creative workshops to try. There are no expectations of producing something – but you may be surprised at what you can achieve with the encouragement and guidance of our talented creativity team.
With heart-to-heart teaching and plenty of time for creative workshops, this is not so much a course as an experience of God!
We are all born with the innate question in our hearts, “Who am I?”
Indeed, life can be seen as an exploration of searching for answers to this question, but we soon discover we are faced with conflicting answers. In our quest to fit in, be acceptable, valued and loved we can easily acquiesce to pressures, expectations and demands forcing us to suppress elements of our own unique personhood or even take on elements that are not really us but seem more acceptable.
God alone knows the full extent of your unique identity and He longs for you to walk freely in just being ‘you’. This course explores how things have gone awry, the power of self-rejection and how truth in the inner most places is the key to discarding your false identities and finding the real you.
From this place, you can then explore a fresh and confident relationship with God, with a new-found deep certainty of his love, forgiveness and acceptance.
We live in a time where moral and ethical standards are fluid and argued over by all sectors of society. Even in the Christian faith, there are a variety of voices, opinions and lobbying for numerous versions of ‘truth’.
To live in peace and security, we need to have a solid standard by which truth, behaviour and belief are measured; this is the plumbline of God’s Word.
Being able to steer your life safely through Satan’s subtle deceptions, human thinking and man’s good ideas is something the Lord wants to help us all with.
This course focusses on how we can lean on the Lord’s amazing gift of discernment and how to approach the Word of God in a way that sets a plumbline of Truth by which to live our lives. It will enable us to this walk forward, not in fear, but with boldness and confidence, avoiding the traps and schemes of Satan.
There will be opportunities for practicing prayer ministry.
Explore + is held over a 10-day period rather than over weekends and is the purely training aspect of Explore. Whereby Explore A and B look at training and equipping alongside personal reflection and encounter, Explore + is primarily for those who want to now take what they have learnt during Explore and learn more about how to use the keys, insights and teaching to help others.
The aim is that Explore + will enable guests to understand to a deeper level how to pray for others; either friends, family members or under the covering of their local church.
The programme will include many practical elements such as group discussions, case studies, Q&A and practical ministry opportunities. There will be time to look again at key concepts covered in Explore A and B but also to introduce some new teaching topics including depression, stress and addictions.
Please note: To attend Explore + a minimum of 6 courses from Explore A and 6 courses from Explore B need to have been completed along with at least one of the Healing Workshops.
On Fridays Each Explore weekend will start at 6.00pm with a meal together on Friday evening followed by an evening session of worship and teaching.
On Saturdays there will be a mix of worship and challenging and inspiring teaching sessions alongside opportunity for personal reflection and group discussion time. There will also be an ‘encounter’ session where there will be an opportunity to respond personally to the teaching and to receive prayer ministry from our Ministry Team.
Although the formal programme finishes around 9.00pm on Saturday evening, we highly recommend guests stay until Sunday (optional). This provides a rare and valuable opportunity for rest, personal reflection with the Lord and fellowship. The day will start with a full-English cooked breakfast where a member of our team will share a short devotional message. There will then be time for fellowship or to reflect on the weekend’s teaching with all guests leaving by 11.30am. Please note that there will be an additional cost of just £20 per person to stay overnight. Lunch on Sunday is not provided.
Explore A and B are each respectively run over three events:
Each Explore event is open to anybody to try out. So, if you are unsure about signing up for the whole series, why not try one. We recommend trying A1-3, so that you can decide if you want to carry on the full experience of the journey with the other “Explorers”.
A special teaching notes and journal booklet will be handed out at the beginning of each Explore course. Each booklet contains the main teaching notes along with questions, activities and scriptures relating to the course topic – all designed to help you continue to grow and receive from the Lord in your own time.
In addition to the encounter times on each event, there will be an optional Encounter Day available during both the Explore A and B series for those on Explore to attend and receive personal prayer ministry. There is no charge for these days and they provide an opportunity to spend an extended period of time alongside our ministry team to talk and pray through issues that the Lord highlights.
I have a peace to replace the decades of anger and I have a wonderful growing closeness to God replacing the lost and hurting years. I love and cherish the fellowship of the team and my fellow explorers. I don’t know what else to say but “Thank You”!
Those who register for the Explore programme will receive a £20 discount on each Explore A and B event. Once you are registered your discount will be applied at checkout on all Explore courses. Including the £20 discount, residential prices begin at £130 per person per course which includes accommodation, all meals, refreshments and teaching notes.
For those wanting to stay overnight on Saturday to enjoy a cooked breakfast and time for personal reflection on Sunday morning, there will be an additional cost of £20 per person, per event.
Residential prices begin at £445 per person per event which includes accommodation, all meals, refreshments and teaching notes. Please note that each event includes the teaching content of 3 weekend courses.
Explore A 2025
You can register for this Explore programme from A1 (The Abundant Christian Life) up to and including A3 (The Power of Forgiveness).
Explore A 2025
You can register for this Explore programme from A1 (The Abundant Christian Life) up to and including A3 (The Power of Forgiveness).
Explore A 2025
Connect with us
For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or hello@ellel.org
Or contact your nearest centre