Explore B7-B10

Exploring Creative Expression, Identity, Deception and Practical Healing Workshops


Course In Progress

25 May - 1 Jun 2024

Ellel Scotland

One Week Event

About the Course

Welcome to Ellel Scotland’s week-long edition of Explore. This event includes courses B7-B10. In the final week together as Explore, we focus on intimacy with God being at the centre of our lives and key to our walk with Him. 

We start off differently, taking less time for teaching and more time for connecting with God on a personal level through creative expression. This transitions into a look at the very depth of our personhood and how God can only meet us just as we are, not who we think we should be. The teaching ends with a practical look of how this intimacy with God is our safety and security when face the shaking of the world’s beliefs and possible deception. Explore B then finishes with a practical healing workshop.

A Week of Explore

Only our centre in Scotland offers Explore courses over a week-long event, fitting three Explore courses in a week. Our other UK centres offers individual Explore courses over the convenience of shorter weekends.

About the Explore programme

This course is part of our exciting Explore programme. You can join any Explore course individually, but to receive the full experience we recommend you register for the entire series of this life-transforming programme.


…desires a deeper, closer and more meaningful relationship with God

…knows there are issues in their life which are holding them back

…wants to understand God’s plan for their own life so they can walk in it

…wants to grow in their understanding of healing so that they can help others

Timings for the Event

Registration begins from 4pm with an evening meal at 6pm, followed by the first teaching session at 7.30pm.

This Course: Explore B7-B10

Ellel Scotland’s week-long Explore event includes the teaching from the following three courses:

Explore B7

Creative Expression And Healing

We are all creative but not all artistic; made in the image of our Creator God.  Our human spirits thrive when being able to express our inner self through various forms of creativity. 

This course allows you time to discover the joy of being creative in a non-threatening way with a wide array of creative workshops for you to try. There are no expectations of producing something – but you may be surprised at what you can achieve with the encouragement and guidance of our talented creativity team.

But the course is not just about having fun together. Allowing such expression of our inner-self, in a safe family atmosphere, opens the doors to God’s gentle but profound healing as we allow him to access the deep recesses of our hearts where words are not enough to express long-forgotten pain.

With heart-to-heart teaching and plenty of time for creative workshops, this is not so much a course as an experience of God!

Teaching Topics

Creative Expression And Healing - Teaching Topics

The following topics will be covered:

  • God the Creator
  • What is creativity?
  • How am I creative?
  • Creative but not artistic
  • Restoration in God
  • Acknowledging our human needs
  • How do we create?

Creativity Workshops may include:

  • Woodwork
  • Pottery
  • Painting and drawing
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Messy painting
  • Card-making
  • Creative writing
  • Collage
  • Textiles and sewing
  • Felt making
  • Knitting
  • Paper Aeroplanes
  • Scalextric (toy car racing)
  • Lego
  • Decoupage
  • And more!

N.B. This list is an example of some of the workshops that may be available. Each course will offer a different choice.

Explore B8

Living In My God-Given Identity

We are all born with the innate question in our hearts, “Who am I?” Indeed, life can be seen as an exploration of searching for answers to this question, but we soon discover we are faced with conflicting answers. In our quest to fit in, be acceptable, valued and loved we can easily acquiesce to pressures, expectations and demands forcing us to suppress elements of our own unique personhood or even take on elements that are not really us but seem more acceptable.

God alone knows the full extent of your unique identity and He longs for you to walk freely in just being ‘you’. This course explores how things have gone awry, the power of self-rejection and how truth in the inner most places is the key to discarding your false identities and finding the real you.

From this place, you can then explore a fresh and confident relationship with God, with a new-found deep certainty of his love, forgiveness and acceptance.

Teaching Topics

Living In My God-Given Identity - Teaching Topics

The following topics will be covered:

  • You are unique!
  • Created by God
  • Development of personhood
  • Living in Truth
  • Self-awareness
  • Who am I?
  • How our identity can become distorted
  • How things go wrong
  • Discovering the truth
  • Hiding our true-self
  • Distorted identity
  • The power of shame and guilt
  • Restoration from a distorted identity
  • Embracing self
  • Agreeing with God’s truth

Explore B9

Discernment – A Defence Against Deception

As people have increasingly let go of God’s truth, insecurity and chaos has pervaded our society with constantly fluid moral and ethical standards that are argued over by all sectors of society. To live in peace and security, we need to have a solid standard by which truth, behaviour and belief are measured; this is the plumb line of God’s Word.

However, discerning this standard in the tumultuous world we live in can be incredibly hard with conflicting opinions pervading our hearts and minds. Jesus told us clearly that deception would increase towards the end and He commanded us to be wise and discerning, even within the Christian faith.

Being able to steer your life safely through Satan’s subtle deceptions, human thinking and man’s good ideas is something the Lord wants to help you with. Focussing on how you can lean on the Lord’s amazing gift of discernment and how to approach the Word of God in a way that sets a plumb line of Truth, this course will allow you to walk forward with boldness and confidence, avoiding future traps and schemes of Satan.

Teaching Topics

Discernment - A Defence Against Deception - Teaching Topics

The following topics will be covered:

  • The truth about deception
  • God’s warnings of deception
  • The origin of lies
  • Exposing the Deceiver
  • What is Truth?
  • The divine plumb line
  • Examples of the enemy’s deceptions
  • What makes us vulnerable to deception
  • Navigating differences as Christians
  • The danger of mixture
  • Testing and discerning
  • Growing in discernment
  • Recognising God’s voice
  • Claiming freedom from past deceptions
  • Keeping firmly to God’s plumb line
  • Living without fear

Explore B10

Healing Workshop

Exploring Ministry Practice

Explore B concludes with a practical workshop where guests have an opportunity to both give and receive ministry from others on Explore. 

This is an exciting end to Explore A and is a time when many discover how God can use them in praying for others. We have received many testimonies of healing during these workshops and also great encouragement for those wanting to grow in helping others in this way.

Please note that members of our ministry team will be alongside in the groups to give guidance and help and to attend the Healing Workshop you must have completed 6 or more of the individual Explore B courses (each Explore week contains 3 Explore courses).

God knew that I needed time slowly to take down the walls of defensiveness that I had built up round myself as a result of my experiences and slowly to let Him and others in.

Explore Guest

Teaching Team

What to Expect

When Jesus spoke, it touched all generations, all personalities and all cultures. It is the same today! The teaching on our courses is primarily grounded in biblical truth and also includes lessons learned from ministering to people over many years.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12, ESV

The teachers on our events have all experienced God’s healing in their lives and are walking their own journey of daily transformation with the Lord. It is out of that journey that they are passionate to share the same life-changing truths with you! With a breadth of different backgrounds and teaching styles, our teachers bring deep ministry experience coupled with strong biblical foundations to deliver a clear journey of learning. They will encourage you to find Christ’s healing, freedom and passion and share with those whom God calls you to minister.

To find out more about our beliefs please check out our About Us page.

This is a tremendous place where I felt safe, so I could be open and trust those praying with me.

Explore Guest

Book Your Place

Booking Options

You'll be able to select your preferred booking option for each participant in the next step










Accommodation logo


When booking an event at Blairmore,
there are two options for accommodation,
Premium and Standard.

All rooms at Blairmore are 2-3 person sharing and en-suite.  Premium accommodation is more expensive due to the high-quality standard of the rooms, which were lovingly restored with antiques; standard accommodation is more simply renovated in a modern style.

Do contact us if you have any query about staying at Blairmore House.

Meals & Drinks logo

Meals & Drinks

Our kitchen team are passionate about making delicious, nutritious meals for our guests. We are able to cater for some special medical diets if you give us notice on booking and liaise with us.

Meal times are typically:
Breakfast 8.45am
Lunch 12.45pm
Evening Meal 6.00pm.

Weekend courses start with a 6.00pm dinner and finish after lunch on the final day.  Week-long courses start with a  6.00pm dinner and finish after breakfast on the final day.

Reception logo


We have a friendly reception team who will be available throughout your stay and will be able to help you with any problems or questions you may have.

It is generally open week days 9.00am- 5.00pm.

Car Parking logo

Car Parking

We have a car park in front of the house for all our guests.  Feel free to unload at reception before parking (all cars are parked at your own risk).

Disabled Access logo

Disabled Access

We have limited ground floor bedrooms available so please enquire when booking your room if we have availability.

Internet logo


Free WiFi internet access is available by reception in the house.

Getting Here and Other Details

Ellel Scotland

Ellel Scotland is set in the village of Glass, which is 45 miles west of Aberdeen in the north of Scotland. Its nearest town is Huntly.

Ellel Scotland
Blairmore House
Glass, Huntly
AB54 4XH
United Kingdom

View directions

+44 (0)1466 799102

Find out more about this location



Rail & Taxi

Our nearest international airport is Aberdeen (ABZ), which is 45 miles away. From there you can take a taxi to the local train station, Aberdeen Dyce, and take a train to Huntly, the closest town.

Plan Your Stay

Walking Week, North Sea Coast

Blairmore House is situated amongst stunning scenery, with rivers, lochs, mountains and coastland all within easy reach. It makes it an ideal destination for our walking and creative retreats. The coast is 25 miles north to Blairmore House, about 45 minutes drive.


Balmoral Castle was owned by Queen Victoria and is now the private property of the Royal Family. The late Queen Elizabeth was especially fond of visiting each summer. When the Royal Family is away, the castle is open to receive tourist guests. Balmoral is 50 miles south of Blairmore House, and about 1.5 hr drive away.

Cairngorm Mountains

The Cairngorms are a wild mountain range in the eastern highlands of Scotland. They are a National Park, and offer stunning scenery, hiking and skiing adventures. Aviemore town is a hub of winter sport activity when the snow arrives, having its own ski resort.

Blairmore House

There is plenty of beautiful scenery on the doorstep of Blairmore House, with woodland paths around our own grounds, or nearby walks just a short drive away.

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contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or hello@ellel.org
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