Ellel Scotland is based at Blairmore House, which is nestled in the stunning Highland countryside. It’s a much loved venue because of its isolation from the world, yet insulated with God’s love, care and peace for those who come here. It’s a place of safety and refuge for the hurting and as well a popular centre of training for those seeking keys in deeper healing prayer ministry. You will also find here our Explore course, which unlike other Ellel centres, is run over three 5-day courses (not weekends).
Blairmore House truly is a place set apart by God, and we believe with all our heart that He is fulfilling a Kingdom purpose with us in these urgent days. As an Ellel Centre we are committed to welcoming, teaching and praying for healing as the Lord has commissioned us. In addition we feel that Blairmore is a strategic place for rest, for intercession, for Israel, for leaders and for deep healing. As you browse this page, we invite you to do so prayerfully as God might be drawing you here to meet with you in a deep and personal way. Our team would love to welcome you here and be part of what God is doing in your life. Hope to see you soon!
Ellel Scotland has found its home at Blairmore House, a stately property nestled in the North-East of Scotland’s stunning countryside. Built originally as a family home by a local laird back in 1884 it was lovingly restored to its original beauty in the 1990s by a business man, after having been a boarding school. It was as if God’s care and attention went into the very fabric of the premises – so many guests comment how the Lord has touched their hearts through the unique nature of the house.
Blairmore is hidden away in a beautiful 26-acre property with gardens and mixed woodlands. The restful setting makes for feeling like you are safely hidden away; safe to come to God just as you are, whoever you are! God invites us, “Arise… come with me…in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice.” (Song of Songs 2:13-14)
Many people tell us that they feel as if at Blairmore there is an open heaven, a place to pray and hear from the Lord; we hope and pray that will be your experience too.
Ellel Scotland offers a uniquely intimate and warm environment that is ideally suited to holiday & ministry retreats and courses that focus on deeper healing ministry. For those who have been on Healing Retreats already, you are welcome to attend one of our Breaking through to Healing courses, which are aimed at taking your healing journey forward another significant step. Similar courses include Bridge from the Head to the Heart, which offers powerful ways to healing through creativity.
Retreats in Scotland are different to those in other centres – discover our Inspirational Weeks, which offer walking and creative holidays. Our Still Water retreats are popular times of personal devotion and contemplation in our tranquil surroundings. As well as retreats, we also run free day events,
For longer courses, we run Transform, originally held at Ellel Glyndley Manor, a three-week course filled with fellowship, encouragement, guidance and prayer to help you move forward into the life God has planned for you. You will also find our Explore course is another fantastic opportunity to spend time with us as you deepen your relationship with the Lord.
The Highlands of Scotland is an ideal place to retreat to, and receive from the Lord. See below for more details on our longer and shorter courses – Ellel Scotland is sure to have a course to suit you, whatever point you are at on your Christian journey.
Our two main longer term courses are Transform that lasts three-weeks, and Explore, which instead of being run over weekends (as per centres in England), are taught in three 5-day courses. It’s a great way to complete Explore quickly, if that’s your preference. Scotland also invites 18-25’s for Undivided, which is Ellel’s young adult gap-year programme. It’s a superb opportunity to serve, receive teaching, and be mentored in discipleship.
How amazing would it be if you could spend three weeks with God, in a safe and encouraging place, filled with fellowship, encouragement, guidance and prayer to help you move forward into the life God has planned for you? Transform is Ellel’s longest retreat-style event which aims to help you live your life as God intended.
Transform is a carefully laid out programme, designed to allow you to get the best out of your time investment. There will be lots of opportunity to receive through the team that will come alongside you. There will be plenty of time for fun, fellowship, many and varied activities but most importantly also time to be with God and to hear from His heart.
At Ellel Scotland, Explore is a series of three longer 5-day events (rather than weekends, which our other centres offer) designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of learning, understanding and personal transformation.
Explore is ideal for those who would like a training course spread across a whole year (with an option to do a second year’s course), enabling you to enjoy rich fellowship with new friends, discover and apply healing principles in your life and that of others, and grow in a deeper understanding of your personal relationship with God. The core aims of the course are to envision your walk with the Lord, grow your spiritual gifts, cleanse and heal past and present wounds in your life and help prepare your next steps in what God has for your life. Between each course you will have the time to use your Explore teaching notes and journal and apply those truths, reflecting on each step of your journey. It’s a thrilling spiritual journey and we think you will love it!
At Ellel Pierrepont we run Undivided, which is an amazing year-long opportunity for 18-25’s to set themselves apart for a year to serve others in Christian ministry, receive life-shaping biblical teaching and enjoy fun and fellowship with new friends from around the world! If you are passionate about Jesus, long to live for Him with an undivided heart and want to share His life-transforming love with others, this is for you.
The program is completely free and will be an unforgettable experience. For those that join, you will be part of an exciting spiritual adventure, growing your faith, nurturing your spiritual and practical gifting and will be actively expressing your Christian life in very real ways. Alongside group bible studies, prayer times and recreation, there will also be many opportunities to serve, including worship times, house duties, maintenance, cooking, administration and media. Here at Ellel Pierrepont, the Undivided team will be given our popular Explore teaching, which will set strong Biblical foundations for your future.
From free 1-day courses to week long retreat events, Ellel Scotland offers a host of opportunities to discover new teaching and receive refreshment from the Lord allowing you to connect deeper with Him. Time away at Blairmore House also offers often precious times of fellowship with other believers on the same journey of faith, healing and training. See the below tabs for more information.
All our centres hold potentially life-changing Healing Retreat opportunities that are free for those seeking answers to issues in their lives that are unresolvable.
For more details see our Retreats section.
Ellel Scotland also run a number of other specialist retreat opportunities designed to help you resolve deep personal burdens or just offer refreshment:
The testimonies we receive from our short courses are extraordinary, as we see time and again God changing lives.
That’s the purpose of these courses – to put you on a new path, a way lit by God so you can walk in truth and freedom. Some courses are very healing ministry based, whilst others offer practical teaching on a variety of subjects.
Blairmore House has fantastic creative workshop facilities, and our popular courses include the role of creativity in healing.
The following are some of our regular teaching courses:
Throughout the year we offer Free Teaching Days, which are a fantastic way to taste Ellel’s teaching, see our centre and meet with us.
We are a friendly, normal bunch of people that would love to welcome you to Blairmore House and bless you with our hospitality and teaching.
Each year Ellel Scotland has traditionally booked a tent at this fantastic annual Christian gathering, where the churches and ministries of Scotland come together in teaching, worship, fellowship and prayer. We hope you will pop around and say hello. Ministry team are often on hand to pray for you.
Next Events at Ellel Scotland
Ellel Scotland, 12-19 Apr 2025
Take a week out of the busyness of life just to ‘be’ and find restoration through getting off the treadmill of life and stopping awhile.
Ellel Scotland, 22 Apr 2025
Our gift to you. A free opportunity for you to seek God afresh and enjoy the tranquil beauty of Blairmore House and our grounds.
Ellel Scotland, 26 Apr - 3 May 2025
Join the extended family of our team as we work together in the grounds and woodlands at Blairmore. You don’t need any particular skills.
Ellel Scotland, 10 May 2025
A day of biblical teaching and encouragement for those seeking wholeness and healing in the Lord as well as prayer for those in need.
Ellel Scotland, 17-24 May 2025
Find respite and restoration for your spirit, soul and body through inspirational walks in the stunning beauty of the Scottish countryside.
Ellel Scotland, 30 May - 1 Jun 2025
Bring clarity and understanding to the recurring struggles of life by looking beyond the presenting problems and investigating the deeper roots.
In Isaiah 55, the Lord extends His invitation: “Come to Me… Listen… and Seek the Lord and His ways.”
The programmes we offer facilitates you doing just that – to come to Him, meet with Him and find out more how He wants to move in your life. We have seen countless people come in struggling and leave with a smile on their face and a spring in their step! Wherever you are at and however you might feel, God can meet with you here.
The invitation to join is there and we are waiting for you to come!
Blairmore house was the right place for a needed time of rest – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. With its quietness, peaceful atmosphere and environment. It’s a place of deep care and genuine concern, a place of freedom.
As Ellel Scotland is a place called to intercession, we run events that facilitate people to come to God in a deeply personal way. We walk with those in need of deep healing or a personal breakthrough on events such as ‘Bridge from the Head to the Heart’ and ‘Breaking through to Freedom’. A place for rest and restoration is provided specifically for Pastors and Leaders on ‘Operation Blairmore Retreats’ and for everyone during the ‘Still Waters Retreats’.
When booking an event at Blairmore, there are two options for accommodation, Premium and Standard. All rooms at Blairmore are 2-3 person sharing and en-suite. Premium accommodation is more expensive due to the high-quality standard of the rooms, which were lovingly restored with antiques; standard accommodation is more simply renovated in a modern style. Whichever room option you go with, our desire is for you to have a comfortable and pleasant stay with us – to experience times of peace, refreshment and be able to reflect on God’s work in your life. Do contact us if you have any query about staying at Blairmore House.
Expect a warm welcome when you arrive at Blairmore House, the home of Ellel Scotland! Our events are open to all and are built on an understanding of Biblical truths. For our teaching courses we provide you with notes and for all events we encourage you to bring a journal or notepad (or you could buy these from our bookshop on arrival). We start each day with worshipping together. Full board, including bedding and towels, is provided and we always aim to serve great food as part of our ministry to the spirit, soul and body!
The weather in Scotland can be changeable so do bring a variety of layers for clothing. For those who enjoy the outdoors remember to bring some suitable walking footwear and waterproofs. Prayer ministry is incorporated in most of our events and we always try to be available for a chat where needed. If you have any questions or would like more information on specific events please contact our office.
Ellel Scotland, like all other Ellel centres relies on the free-will giving of God’s people to support the ministry. This giving enables us to continue offering personal prayer ministry free of charge to those in need and so with each gift comes the potential for a changed life! Our centres also need regular maintenance and sometimes significant projects are required to enable us to keep going with the vision God has given us. If you would like to specifically financially support the Ellel Scotland centre please use this simple form. Alternatively please send a cheque payable to ‘Ellel Ministries’ to the address shown in the ‘Contact’ section of this page. Thank you for your support.
You can directly support the ministry of Ellel Scotland by adding your donation amount below.
If you would like to give towards specific needs of Ellel Scotland you can view our Fundraising page.
Find out moreEllel Scotland is set in the village of Glass, which is 45 miles west of Aberdeen in the north of Scotland. Its nearest town is Huntly.
Ellel Scotland
Blairmore House
Glass, Huntly
AB54 4XH
United Kingdom
Our nearest international airport is Aberdeen (ABZ), which is 45 miles away. From there you can take a taxi to the local train station, Aberdeen Dyce, and take a train to Huntly, the closest town.
From Aberdeen take the A96 (signposted Inverness) and turn off at Huntly onto the A920 (signposted to Dufftown). Drive about 6 miles from the A96, turn left down the drive signposted “Glass Church & Blairmore House” which leads into the front drive of Blairmore. Driving time from Aberdeen is about 60 minutes.
From the A95 at Charlestown take the A941 to Dufftown and then the A920 for about 5 miles. Take the first right turn (signposted “Glass Church & Blairmore House” which leads into the front drive. For Sat Nav use our post code – AB54 4XH. The Sat Nav will take people to our back driveway, so please follow the signposts.
Our nearest bus stop is in Huntly. We collect guests from The Square, in Huntly at 16.10 on the first day of any event. Please notify the office if you want to be added to the list.
Our nearest train station is Huntly (7 miles away). We collect guests from Huntly at 16:50 on the first day of any event. Please notify the office if you want to be added to the list.
Local taxis are occasionally available to and from Blairmore. Contact us for taxi phone numbers, if required. Pre-booking is suggested as availability is varied.
When booking an event at Blairmore,
there are two options for accommodation,
Premium and Standard.
All rooms at Blairmore are 2-3 person sharing and en-suite. Premium accommodation is more expensive due to the high-quality standard of the rooms, which were lovingly restored with antiques; standard accommodation is more simply renovated in a modern style.
Do contact us if you have any query about staying at Blairmore House.
Our kitchen team are passionate about making delicious, nutritious meals for our guests. We are able to cater for some special medical diets if you give us notice on booking and liaise with us.
Meal times are typically:
Breakfast 8.45am
Lunch 12.45pm
Evening Meal 6.00pm.
Weekend courses start with a 6.00pm dinner and finish after lunch on the final day. Week-long courses start with a 6.00pm dinner and finish after breakfast on the final day.
We have a friendly reception team who will be available throughout your stay and will be able to help you with any problems or questions you may have.
It is generally open week days 9.00am- 5.00pm.
We have a car park in front of the house for all our guests. Feel free to unload at reception before parking (all cars are parked at your own risk).
We have limited ground floor bedrooms available so please enquire when booking your room if we have availability.
Free WiFi internet access is available by reception in the house.
Blairmore House is situated amongst stunning scenery, with rivers, lochs, mountains and coastland all within easy reach. It makes it an ideal destination for our walking and creative retreats. The coast is 25 miles north to Blairmore House, about 45 minutes drive.
Balmoral Castle was owned by Queen Victoria and is now the private property of the Royal Family. The late Queen Elizabeth was especially fond of visiting each summer. When the Royal Family is away, the castle is open to receive tourist guests. Balmoral is 50 miles south of Blairmore House, and about 1.5 hr drive away.
The Cairngorms are a wild mountain range in the eastern highlands of Scotland. They are a National Park, and offer stunning scenery, hiking and skiing adventures. Aviemore town is a hub of winter sport activity when the snow arrives, having its own ski resort.
There is plenty of beautiful scenery on the doorstep of Blairmore House, with woodland paths around our own grounds, or nearby walks just a short drive away.
Ellel Scotland
Blairmore House
Glass, Huntly
AB54 4XH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1466 799102
Email: info.scotland@ellel.org
Connect with us
For general UK enquiries
contact Ellel Grange on
01524 751651 or hello@ellel.org
Or contact your nearest centre