8 Life-Changing Values of Disciple Makers
Mark Nysewander
Mark Nysewander sets out how we can reproduce the life and mission of Jesus in others. Exploring eight keys for discipleship makers following the example Jesus set in the Gospels. Mark has grasped the very heart of Jesus’ ministry and summarised it for us in the pages of this book.
Fiona Horrobin
Peter Horrobin
Peter Horrobin
Peter Horrobin
Paula O'Keefe
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Dan –
I wish more people knew about this book. It nails so many issues which are blockages to meaningful disciple-making, in a helpfully succinct and easily understandable way. I hope many people will read it and take its correctives on board.
Lynda W –
what a book…. a must read to all those that just sit on sunday in the pews and do nothing.
Henry –
Truly paints the picture of change that must happen in the western church. A really easy to read book that has a simple but profound message.
Dr. K. E. Patrick –
I have read numerous books about house churches and small group ministry, but have never read such a fantastic book about the basic building block of active, every-member ministry communities.
Nysewander does an excellent job at putting his finger on the dissatisfying state of today’s Western churches — too many people watching the professionals “do” church while the rest throw money and good wishes toward the activities. Instead, we are all called to get off our back-sides and LIVE not only in daily ministry and communion with others, but build up and grow others to follow behind us, too.
The eight life-changing values of the sub-title include aiming for a few, doing Jesus’s work together, and guiding people to multiply.
Although I would have liked some nuts-and-bolts guidance on exactly HOW (though his point in the chapter about going for the kingdom would say that I simply need to follow Jesus, who “showed us the lifestyle of a disciple-maker”), I thought this gave me a well-deserved kick up the backside to do something entirely different from what I see all around me in the dead, cold buildings that are otherwise known as churches.
Earl Wade –
The book was in excellent condition and satisfied my expectations. I recommend this book to anyone who desire to have a simple but clear understanding of what it means to be disciple makers. A clear understanding of the Great Commission will motivate every believer to work while it is still daylight.